Home Forums Tips, Hacks, & Ideas For Learning Japanese What goes well with Textfugu?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Cimmik 11 years ago.

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    Or, what would one theoretically use to study Japanese after textfugu?

    I hear a lot about the Genki series…does anyone do something like this alongside textfugu?

    I have an old Japanese textbook from college called なかま that I might check out.

    I am just curious by nature :-)





    Thought you were asking whether you should drink red or white wine. =P

    Anyway, I used Nakama for my first two years at uni, then moved to Tobira for the third. Also bought Japenese for Busy People for self-study. So for me, it was kind of like I used TextFugu alongside Nakama. =)



    I would recommend Genki for a Textbook and Imabi for a website.

    And learn Kanji through WaniKani.

    You can find the links on the thread that T13 posted.



    guidetojapanese.org is always good.
    When you are through textfugu you should be more aware of what the language is about, so I think you can begin to “freestyle” a little more. Think about grammar points you don’t know how work and find out how they work. Begin to skype with some Japanese people to improve you speaking and listening. Read a book in Japanese is also a possibility. You don’t need to do any of the things perfectly, you will just learn from them if you pay attention to the things you don’t understand.
    Perhaps you see that English isn’t my native tongue. I still learn more English every day I spend here, because I still find vocabulary every day, I add them to an Anki deck.
    Okay the last part went off-topic and I’m not sure why I told it to you.
    I suggest you to find something you don’t know and study it, or just use the language.

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