Home Forums The Japanese Language What is?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Tim Williams 13 years, 3 months ago.

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    Tim Williams

    Sorry, I looked all over the net for this word, which I am sure not spelling correctly, but sounds like God-Jilla. I have heard it many times and sounds like the equivalent of “show me”. Unfortunately when I search for it the internet is nice enough to come back with Godzilla.

    Also in many songs and TV shows I have also heard what sounds like “mmmmm” as in “mmm that’s good”. Is this and actual word or something equivalent to our “UM?



    God-jilla.. you mean Gojira? ゴジラ ..? Er.. I’m probably no help here.



    I think the word you are looking for is “うん” as an equivalent to “Mm”




    There’s both うん and ううん, which mean “yes” and “no” respectively in casual form. When I first learned about them it was reeeeeally confusing to differentiated between the two, but it comes with time.



    Do you by any chance mean こちら? 
    It means ‘this way, here’, so it could fit with ‘show me’ if you translate it a bit like ‘here, let me show you’.
    If it’s not こちら, nothing else comes to mind, sorry.


    Tim Williams

    Thanks for the reply….

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