Home Forums TextFugu What this site doesnt have – Common Kanji Combinations and readings

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    What this site doesnt have – Common Kanji Combinations and readings

    just a suggestion request, please add a section with common kanji combinations and readings.

    living in japan is hard for me as a foreigner, usually i can only learn 1 to 5 new words per week, using them is another battle, since I use english in my job everyday. Everywhere I go I see so many signs in kanji. I can understand some of the meanings, but the combination readings are what is most difficult. I really think there are about 5oo common combinations that are used, those need to be on this site.




    You want this site to teach you…words?






    Oh come off it. And I am going to be harsh, because I have an extremely low tolerance for stupid shit.

    I don’t know what kind of rocket-science job you have that consumes so much of your time that 5 words per week is difficult. But it is ridiculous you would say “it’s hard being a foreigner in Japan” oh I’m sure it is. You can’t read chit or speak to anyone because you don’t even try.

    Now, by “combination readings” do you mean… words? This is the fundamental flaw in most all Japanese learning resources including textfugu. Not that Koichi cares about Kanji here, since he’s got Wanikani and all. Everyone keeps trying to separate Kanji and words. Also 500 combination words? On textfugu, maybe. In real life? try 6000+ (That you might need to know, there’s much more in reality).



    Slightly less brutal post time:

    Make your own vocab list. You know what signs you’re seeing on a regular basis, so make a list of them, look up their meanings in a dictionary (or ask someone) and make an Anki deck out of them. Use that to learn.



    Being in Japan… actually makes it easier… your job can’t possibly use more english/spanish than what I see in a day, and I still manage



    Aye. One of the joys of seeing the signs in context is that you get the context. For example, suppose there’s a barricade across a path, with a sign hanging on it saying 立入り禁止. Just by looking at what it’s hanging on, you can reasonably infer that it says something like “no entry” or “keep out”.

    I often pull up Google Street View of some random place in Tokyo, and practice by reading the street and shop signs.


    Couldn’t agree more with Voncrumb

    Also 500 words won’t get you anywhere looooooooooooooooooool

    That is like not even the very basics xD



    For once I actually agree with Joel. That street view idea is pretty damn good.



    If you follow the Textfugu Kanji vocab you should be able to learn more than 1 to 5 words per week, I’m sure.  But I know what you mean, various and numerous kanji combinations creating various and numerous kanji words.  Well, I’m not sure how you could learn them all quickly, but it’s best to learn a number of words everyday, right?

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