Home Forums TextFugu What to study after Textfugu?

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    I still have quite a ways to go, but I don’t want a gap in between my studies where I just look around for a new resource, you know?

    Up to this point I’ve been solely using Textfugu as opposed to Textfugu/WaniKani like I see a lot of people are doing, because it looks like both websites use basically the same memory techniques for every Kanji. But it looks like WaniKani has a lot more Kanji than Textfugu does, would you guys recommend getting a WaniKani subscription when I’m done with Textfugu? Will it let me skip to where Textfugu left off?

    Other than that, what are some other good grammar related resources that would be good for someone who just completed Textfugu?

    Thanks in advance.

    (Textfugu word count: 8)


    Tae Kim’s Guide to Japanese Grammar is all the rage among the Japanese learning community; have a look in to it. It’s a free website that covers a whole lot of beginner-intermediate grammar, with lots of example sentences, great explanations (especially in regards to differences in meaning or nuance between several similar constructions), and mouse-over reading/translations for all Japanese words on each page. It’s really pretty great :D



    I’ve browsed a bit and I actually like it a lot. The english translations seem to be much more literal for the most part than what’s used in Textfugu, that could be a good thing or a bad thing. I’ll definitely check it out though. Anyone with a Wanikani membership wanna vouch for how worth it/not worth it it is?

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