Home Forums The Japanese Language What TV series are you watching?

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    Watching the new GTO these days and enjoying it. Actually, it’s the only current TV series I’m following at the moment. Unless you count anime, in which case, there’s also Hyouka which is okay.



    Current anime, Sword Art Online, 境界線上のホライゾン, Aesthetica of a Rogue Hero

    TV Shows: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (I know it’s not current, but I love the series)



    You seen the old GTO Zorro? I’m following this new one as well, it’s a pretty good throwback. People were a bit sketchy as to whether they could do it to such a high standard the original was, I think they at least came close.



    Yeah, I’m a HUGE fan of GTO in all it’s incarnations – the original manga, the anime and, yes, the old drama which I loved. The new one is different, but I think that is a good thing. They’re doing their own thing with it instead of repeating the old one. I think they’re both good each in their own way.



    I’ve decided to re-watch “Youkai Ningen Bem” again, the 2011 live-action drama version. It’s sooo goood. Special effects aren’t too bad, and considering I watch Kamen Rider too, I’ve seen much, much worse. It won a bunch of awards, and they’re releasing a movie this winter, so when they decided to re-air it I figured I’d re-watch it too.

    Oddly enough, only reason I knew it existed in the first place and even tried it was because I follow KAT-TUN. One of the members, Kazuya Kamenashi, plays lead. The concept sounded weird, and I probably would have skipped it otherwise, but I ended up watching it and I’m glad I did.

    Plus, since I’ve already seen it once, I can kinda ignore the subs and see how much of the Japanese I can pick out on my own, so I don’t feel like I’m shirking studying to watch it…although I guess it’s good to not just do the book-ish type studying all the time, gotta keep things fun, right?



    I finished all the Giant Killing episodes they had on crunchyroll.com, and then 13 episodes of another series called Taburakashi. It’s about a “stand-in actress” who gets hired to impersonate people. For example in the first episode she gets hired to play someone’s corpse at a funeral, and then later that person’s ghost. Almost every single episode has someone threatening someone else with a knife, sexual harassment, infidelity, or all 3. And there is always this “get ready for the big moment” montage where the main character takes a shower and puts on makeup, set to uptempo music. The Japanese word for “over the top” is オーバー, isn’t it?

    Now I’m watching another 13-episode series called Deka Kurokawa Suzuki, also on crunchyroll. It’s a sort of comedy detective story. There are all these running gags, like how the detective falls over onto his back while trying to tie his shoe, and his wife always shows up and gives him a hard time about how low his salary is. Sometimes the show gets a good laugh from being serious, like when this bus driver is trying to explain how some headlights looked, and he is doing this eye-beam gesture and ends up poking poking the detective in the chest. The detective says with a straight face, “どうも。 よく分かりました。”


    S C

    I was watching the old anime version of GTO, but I got sidetracked.  I’m currently watching Neon Genesis Evangelion (re-mastered), and I recently finished Kenichi History’s Greatest Disciple!  It wasn’t a bad series at all!

    I’m finally catching up on a lot of missed shows over my hiatus from watching anime the past while.  I finished a few series recently and plan on finishing a few more!



    I’m watching Majisuka Gakuen 3



    Do you like mopey teenage boys? The answer to that is obviously “yes,” but do you also like eating English-style breakfasts in an old manor every morning? And after drinking tomato juice, do you think “Bloody!”

    Well I found the TV series for you. It’s called RH Plus, and it’s about vampires, and being a sensitive man, and the importance of a proper breakfast. Seriously though, it’s the most important meal of the day. You should eat a good breakfast, because you only get to drink fresh blood once a month, and sometimes you don’t even get that, because you have to help solve cases the police won’t handle, or something.



    Just started Rich Man, Poor Woman.

    So fkn in on this.

    Love me some Ishihara Satomi



    Following Clement’s suggestion I’ve just finished watching 日本人知らない日本語, I found myself understanding more of what was being said as I went along.  I’ll miss the characters now it’s finished so will probably watch it through again now that I’ve got a bit more vocab under my belt.



    I watched the Galaxy Express 999 series, and then Natsume Yuujinchou, and now I’m watching Space Brothers. It’s about two brothers who dream of becoming astronauts. I have only seen one episode so far, but from what I have seen everything is really well done.

    By the way, crunchyroll.com is doing a holiday special right now where you can get a 360-day all-access membership for $50. Buying DVDs gives you a larger selection of course, but it’s far more expensive.



    Marathoned Hunter x Hunter (2011) and got caught up. Chit is quality as fk.

    好きっていいなよ is cute as phuck



    Watching “Priceless” with KimuTaku.

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