Home Forums The Japanese Language What words to learn?

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    So, for those of you who have reached this stage, what vocab do you learn once you know all the basics? With Kanji, I just learn them as they are in the JLTP, but with vocab, it can be hard to know….



    With Vocab, it doesn’t hurt to stick along the lines of JLPT either. I just finished all new cards with the N4/N5 deck (having known most of them from other sources) and have been using the N3 deck at a slower pace (since more of these words are new).

    Either that, or using a dictionary to look up words you want to know how to say. I find that if it is something you want to say, you are more likely to be able to remember it too. And it is always good to try to use it in a sentence, again to make it easier to remember. Then you can use Lang8 and make sure you’re using it correctly.

    That’s roughly how I do it when I’m not using Anki, or think of something I really want to be able to say in Japanese.



    Core 2000 followed by Core 6000 is a good start. It also has professionally voiced sentences for each word.


    I’m using Core 2000/6000 at the moment. Might not be for everyone, but I’m liking it :)

    EDIT: Ninja’d by Elenkis while I was replying to his post in a different thread XD

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