Home Forums Off Topic What's the level of NHK News Web EASY?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 2 months ago.

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    Can you understand more than 98% of the articles on this website?How long have you been studying Japanese?How many Seasons have you finished on Textfugu?

    Love and Learning

    According my Japanese friend, this website’s articles are in the N3+ – N2- level.

    Love and Learning


    Well, the About page says that it’s intended for elementary- and middle-school students, and foreigners who live in Japan. It adds that all kanji have hiragana included, and difficult words have dictionary explanations included.

    So, not advanced-level, but not quite basic either. Until you’ve got at least a few TextFugu seasons under your belt, you’re pretty much at a pre-school level of Japanese. I reckon it’s a good goal to aim for, though.

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