Home Forums The Japanese Language When first learning kanji with Textfugu

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    Sean Owens

    I’m just starting on kanji through this program. At this point, should I be trying to learn the meaning, on’yomi, kun’yomi, and associated vocal for each kanji, or should I just focus on the meaning and on’yomi (with the expectation that Textfugu will have me focus on the kun’yomi and related vocab later on)?

    For example, for 人, should I be trying to learn both on’yomi, plus the kun’yomi, plus the vocab that appears on that kanji character’s page (one person, american person, french person, etc.)? Or at this point, can I just remember “person” and the on’yomi and rely on Textfugu to fold in the other material later?

    Thanks for the advice,




    What I would actually suggest is that you skip Kanji on TextFugu and use WaniKani instead. It makes it much easier to know which you should be learning and when. It’s by Koichi and based on what was done here with the Kanji. The drawback is after the first two levels you have to pay for it as it’s a separate program. I believe it is $50 a year or $5 a month for TextFugu subscribers.


    Otherwise best bet is to simply focus on your Anki decks and what you need to remember for them.



    Gustav Dahl

    I agree. It is difficult to imagine why WaniKani provides a better way of learning kanji – before you try it, that is. I can say with confidence that I learned kanji much better/more quickly via WaniKani than I ever did via TextFugu and its Anki decks.

    I strongly suggest that you try it out! :)



    Sean Owens

    Thanks to you both! I’ve started on WaniKani and am pretty impressed so far. I like this quite a bit more than the Anki decks.


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