Home Forums TextFugu When is WaniKani Going to Get Paypal and/or Lifetime Memberships?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Phillip 12 years, 1 month ago.

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    Title explains my query pretty succinctly. Would pay for WaniKani if it had lifetime membership and CAN”T pay for it until it has PayPal as a payment option or I get a card.



    Considering WaniKani is $100 a year, it would probably be a couple hundred dollars. Yikes. And I believe they chose  against PayPal because it’s not as user-friendly as Stripe, or something along those lines. And if needed, maybe you could go out and buy a Vanilla Visa gift card. It should work. It’s Visa, and all of that. I would ask Viet if that would work, seeing as he runs the code and all of that.

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