Will do m8. And the whole like fire/water thing is all like kooshty m8 – setting people like alight sounds like thirsty work, can’t like blame you for like needing like a drink m8. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go gas up the van. M8.
I’m from a town about 12 miles west of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (born and raised here), but I am moving to Palo Alto, California, for college in September. I think Cali is probably a better environment to study Japanese in than central Oklahoma heh.
Over on the WaniKani forums, one of the posters has created a Google Map for the “Where are you from?” thread, with markers for everybody’s location. Would people on here like to see something like that? I might want to give it a shot and try to learn how these newfangled “Google Maps” work.