Home Forums TextFugu Which Anki Deck(s) am I supposed to be using?

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    I am trying to follow along with downloading the different Anki decks but I got confused by the page on the Ultimate deck. Am I supposed to download and just use the ultimate deck, or is this just a supliment and I should keep down loading each individual deck?



    I also got pretty confused about what to do with the Ultimate decks. Up to Season 5, I had been just downloading the smaller UntimateVocab decks in the order they were presented, as the chapters progressed, however I seemed to be missing… Verbs…when dictionary form and ta-form verbs are first introduced, all the sudden there were all these verbs being used to teach new grammer rules that I had NEVER seen while staying up to date on all of my Anki reviews. Where are all these verbs coming from?!! Then I realized, I was never prompted to download the Ultimate Verbs deck (2,000+ cards) within the chapter text. So i just did it anyways, downloaded the gigantic deck…now I see where these verbs are coming from and I have A LOT of catching up to do on Vocab :/ I think this may have been an oversight on TextFugu’s part….shouldn’t these verbs have integrated into and slowly introduced in the smaller UltimateVocab decks #1,2,3,4,5 etc….as the nouns and adjectives were? Just a thought…

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