Home Forums TextFugu Will I be fluent after season 8?

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    I’m midway through season 3 and I really like this site. Has anyone made it all the way through? Will I be able to go to Japan and hold basic conversations? If not, what should I use to supplement afterwards? Thanks for the help.



    Sure, I think you’ll be able to manage basic conversations. Sadly, that’s a fair way short of actual fluency – if nothing else, there’s a whole lot of vocab and kanji that TextFugu doesn’t cover. Yet.

    Koichi’s working on the advanced-level section of the site. It’ll be out… someday.



    Hey Andrew, we seem to be doing a similar journey. I’m also in season three, just starting lesson 7 with the verbs. I’ve decided to complement my studies with pimsleur since I think there is a lack of speaking exercises in textfugu. I’m also using memrise to drill the words I learn, however the textfugu decks does not seem to be updated after sentence exercise 12.

    I will keep going like this as long as it’s working and I feel like it’s working, after that I’ll look for some new resource.


    i have tried all different methods of learning japanese. rosetta stone is really good at teaching by emersion. it basically trains your brain to recognize things and know what they are without having to translate in your head but it does not explain certain things about that language that you should know. pimsleur is good for practicing speaking and responding to/asking questions in real life scenarios. but you have to imagine the situation and have nothing visual to relate it to. i try to use all of them. pimsleur for parctice conversations. rosetta stone to improve my vocabulary and textfugu to get down to the real nitty gritty of the language.

    "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" This is my step.
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