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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Joel 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hey TF group,

    I’m finding that I’ve hit a point with my studying (mainly verbs) where I can’t seem to get any of it to stick in my mind. It’s a bit frustrating and I’m trying to push through it, but I was hoping to get some words of encouragement from people who have been at a point of frustration with their Japanese studies. Thank you!



    One idea when it comes to verbs is to think about – or even do – the actual action while saying the verb. Instead of trying to tie a Japanese word to an English word (i.e. “well, 走る means ‘run’.”) what you should do instead is tie it to the action itself.

    Maybe just stick with thinking about the action when it comes to learning 殺す, though. =P

    You can do the same with nouns, of course – which is to say, they’re actual objects, not just words.

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