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This topic contains 21 replies, has 12 voices, and was last updated by  TripMasterMunky 12 years, 7 months ago.

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    Someone should message Hashi about it XD



    I woke up this morning and found the quote button just like all of y’all, so email Koichi about it :p



    recommend any good learning podcasts at the gym? :P



    I wouldn’t know anything about it really, but I listen to the recorded Japanese radio or podcasts when I go out biking

    Street or mountain biking? I mountain bike, and I’ve debated listening to japanese audio while riding, but I’m nervous it’ll distract me from being safe.



    Using a mountain bike for suburban areas lol. Theres a bike trail (which is separate from the roads and highways to a certain point) that leads up to my high school where I can play tennis and if I’m not in a hurry, it’ll take me around 30 minutes. Probably not mountain biking though lol so I guess street



    Using a mountain bike for suburban areas lol. Theres a bike trail (which is separate from the roads and highways to a certain point) that leads up to my high school where I can play tennis and if I’m not in a hurry, it’ll take me around 30 minutes. Probably not mountain biking though lol so I guess street

    Interesting. Based on your experience how much concentration does it require to make it worth your while? That is to say I’ll be riding on rocks, roots, stair steps, near shear drops, etc. If it’s a minor focus I think I’d be fine. If it’s anything more than it’s probably not a good plan. ;)


    I’ve been trying out the standing thing thanks to you guys. I just got a custom rig going where I put my laptop on this shelf of mine. I just hated sitting down in front of a computer screen all day, and I knew it couldn’t have been that great for my health.

    The standing thing…I definitely feel better. My back is always in a more natural and stretched position. I am a bit ADHD sometimes though, and when you’re already standing, it makes it easier to walk away haha. But you are more focused on the task you’re doing when you are doing it. It’s only my 2nd day, so I think I just have to get used to standing. Right now I’m still kinda anxious just standing around.

    Also, I’m able to lift some light weights while I’m standing! So I can keep my muscles working at least a little bit. Nothing too crazy, because then it would distract from the task at hand, but just some 10lb weights to lift to keep the blood flowing.

    I’m hoping I’ll get rid of the anxious feeling after a few more days, and can stand more comfortably. If so, I will reorganize my room to accommodate my new standing lifestyle, and perhaps even get rid of my computer chair.

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