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This topic contains 16 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Jambalaya Bob 12 years, 5 months ago.
April 24, 2012 at 5:01 pm #29852
If you are anything like me, it is that I love to read and go through books like I go through women…….wait a minute
Just kidding, I freakin* hate reading. Or thats what I used to think until started learning Japanese. Because of Japanese, I started to like reading a little bit more, no matter what it is – manga, news, novels, 2chan threads etc. I did mean this sort of for English but I mostly mean in Japanese. I find reading Japanese is so fun(damental) and we can share the love here!xoxoxox
What goes here is whatever the heck the you’ve been reading, have read, will read, or want to (buy and) read! Manga, news articles, novels, 2chan threads whatever! Also it could be anything you read, in any language so don’t be afraid! It’s really disheartening to see when people write stuff like “I’m still a newb at Japaneez so I can’t read stuff like news yet. So in the name of
Iriyama Anna/God, spur people to read more! Or something like that.We cool? With that said, I will (obviously) start.
The things I am reading now are:
http://daily.co.jp/gossip/article/2012/04/25/0005000678.shtmlThings that I will read:
Things that I want to buy and read:
Oh yeah if you guys already kinda know or don’t know, there’s this thing called Tadoku, and it’s a contest that is held throughout various times of the year and as long as you have Twitter you can participate.
This topic was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
Hashi. Reason: language plz k thx
April 24, 2012 at 5:55 pm #29853I’m reading ‘Monster’ and ‘Ganz’ at the moment. Although these are the English versions ‘Monster’ has helped with katakana, as the sound effects have been kept in Japanese.
Am waiting for the rest of the manga ‘No longer human’ to come out – read the first one and loved it.
April 24, 2012 at 6:41 pm #29856I bought “The Eyes of the Dragon” 「ドラゴンの眼」 by Stephen King in Japanese but haven’t had time to start reading it yet. I read it in English a long time ago and liked it then I saw it on a bookstore shelf in Osaka and though “Hey, maybe someday.” I think I’ll start when I go back to America.
April 24, 2012 at 8:59 pm #29863Currently poking my way through manga at the moment. There’s a few in my to-read pile – I basically went to Kinokuniya and grabbed a few volumes that looked interesting. First volumes of よつばと and 鋼の錬金術師, mostly because I have the English versions to compare it to – plus, よつばと features a kid who doesn’t use complicated kanji when she talks. First volume of a series whose name I can’t read, but is subtitled “Hero Tales” in English, by Arakawa Hiromu of Hagaren fame. Second and third volumes of リューシカ・リューシカ, by Yoshitoshi ABe of Haibane Renmei fame – I got the first volume a while back after spotting the author’s name, and found the main character also speaks only in kana, and quite enjoyed it. (Main downside: each chapter basically features Ryushika getting herself or imagining herself into some situation, and then her elder brother or sister would come along, speaking in kanji, and fix it, but since I didn’t know the kanji, I had no idea what the solution was. Mind you, I’ve learnt more kanji since then, so maybe it’s time to re-read the first volume too.)
I also bought the book of 1リトルの涙 ages and ages back. Been meaning to try reading it sometime.
April 24, 2012 at 10:23 pm #29865I have been reading
https://plus.google.com/u/0/101423472932208115437/posts/RQQBGSakCvJ and lots of other google plus updates
http://blog.livedoor.jp/livegems7799/archives/3815394.html (thanks for the link missing ^^)
http://akb48matome.com/archives/51816570.htmlWill read:
http://akb48matome.com/archives/51816570.html (didn’t quite finish yet)
NHK news for todayApril 25, 2012 at 3:50 am #29871I thought this was pretty funny, cute and short to read
April 25, 2012 at 12:33 pm #2989448plus.net
All you need.
April 25, 2012 at 12:36 pm #29895Currently reading: ハリーポッタと賢者の石。
I’ve already read all the harry potters about 5 times in English, but I felt like reading it again and I saw it in book off in Japan (105円!)
April 25, 2012 at 4:23 pm #29899Currently almost done catching up with the light novel series 魔法科高校の劣等生:
http://i.minus.com/ib1dM0lxzmq6MC.pngAlso recently read this hilarious chain of 2ch threads after seeing someone mention them on tumblr:
http://logsoku.com/thread/hibari.2ch.net/news4vip/1304270286/May 8, 2012 at 7:14 pm #30461May 17, 2012 at 1:01 pm #30912I have the first volume of Spice and Wolf in Japanese. But my kanji knowledge is too weak to read it. :( (So I’ve read up to volume 3 in English and watched both anime seasons)
狼と香辛料 (Has a fair amount of ふりがな from what I can see)
http://goo.gl/G9k8d (Amazon has a pretty fair price for the import also)I got pretty attached to the anime (English dub) because the voice actress was great. Now I can’t stand her as I have to listen to her every time I work at Gamestop (She is on Gamestop TV)
May 19, 2012 at 12:12 pm #30960Thanks for reporting the use of furigana in Spice and wolf, it’s #1 on my list of books to read when I get good enough.
Until then I’ll have to stick to the english translations, just finished Vol. 9, (Don’t ask, just follow the blue-red-yellow-blue-green-red brick road following the references to Mr. T).May 21, 2012 at 11:55 am #31051まおゆう:
http://i.minus.com/j240jlwFpj9tj.pngHave to look up stuff here and there for DDD because Nasu likes to use hipster kanji that isn’t by any means conventional, but overall, I’m glad that I can read these books without too much trouble. Maybe I’ll try my hand at some Nisio Isin next.
This reply was modified 12 years, 9 months ago by
September 26, 2012 at 8:49 am #35730Is there an easy way to tell what sellers/items can ship outside of Japan? Also, does anyone know about what the shipping costs for getting a book across an ocean and halfway across the US are?
my raabu: http://tinyurl.com/d5nczxu
If that doesn’t work out, there’s always … the overpriced alternative: http://tinyurl.com/bm3dqk6 The terrible translation of the title will always amaze me.
God do I want this book bayd. I’d almost be afraid of posting it here if I didn’t have a high amount confidence in the lack of interest in literature on most of the internet. Plus there’s an anime that seems to be all that most people care about, even in Japanese searches. It is a damn good anime though; very very unique, and free on Hulu, and will never be released in the US on DVD/BD because Funimation’s dumb.
September 26, 2012 at 9:18 am #35733Tip, don’t buy anything from amazon JP and get it shipped. I hear it is very expensive. I prefer CD japan for everything, since most of the time what I want is related to akb, and they have everything there. They do also have other books, but their selection is somewhat limited, though I have found what I needed on there.
Other than that I prefer to use amazon.co.uk for all my grammar books, since it is reasonably priced and delivery is free.
This topic was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
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