Home Forums The Japanese Language Yeah Books.

This topic contains 16 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  Jambalaya Bob 12 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #35735


    http://whiterabbitjapan.com/ is a decent Japan based online company.

    They have a wide range of products on their online store http://shop.whiterabbitjapan.com/.

    If they don’t have what you want then you can request them to buy it through http://whiterabbitexpress.com/.

    No idea what S+H would be though.



    Oh yeah, forgot about whiterabbit and other such sites. I will try one of them. And yeah, they definitely wouldn’t have this book in stock.

    EDIT: Okay nevermind, it’s a lot cheaper to buy the book from a US-based store than it is to ship a book overseas. Half expected it, but whatever, now I know.

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