This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Laurel 11 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hey, everyone, I’m Nate! This is my first (..second actually, first was posting in reply to michael about the irony of us both being 24 year old musicians) post on the textfugu forums. As you hopefully already know by now, I’m a 24 year-old musician; studied jazz performance in college. Around the same time, I had taken a year of japanese classes to fulfill a requirement, and it’s become a hobby of mine! I’ve actually been following koichi / tofugu for like 4 years. It’s been kind of incredible to see the rise of his empire of Japanese-learning-monsters lol. But really, it’s been interesting to see someone take his passion and make it his livelihood.

    I actually entered a submission for the first intern-shindig that he ran. Made it to the second round, but then some really ugly things happened in my life, so I wasn’t able to write the asked for blog post. Such is life though lol.

    Anyway, hi. I guess that was the point of this post in the first place. I’m totally down to learn Japanese, and to help anyone who I can!

    Japanese, guitar, video games, work .. Life's too short.


    Good luck! I’m sure you’ll do great!

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