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  • in reply to: Is it just me? #44023


    So is it like learning english from an american versus a brit; there’s differences but people will still understand you?

    The difference is that American English is the way English should properly be taught and used in America.

    British English is the way that English should properly be taught and used in Britain.

    Romaji is not used by the Japanese people. So it’s simply a tool to allow English language learners to start to learn Japanese words in writing before they learn to do it properly in Kana and Kanji. Since you are using foreign letters to try to approximate a Japanese sound, there can be multiple variations that do a good job of it, but since it’s never actually used in Japanese, there is no correct way of doing it. The systems developed are simply for clarity and standardisation purposes, so if you are familiar with the system, you know what to expect.

    in reply to: Greetings from Norway! #44022


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    I basically have the same reasons myself. So don’t let that hold you back! ^_^

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: What goes well with Textfugu? #44021


    I would recommend Genki for a Textbook and Imabi for a website.

    And learn Kanji through WaniKani.

    You can find the links on the thread that T13 posted.

    in reply to: Hello from NJ! #44020


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Another hello from England! #44019


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Greetings from… Guatemala?! #44001


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: [Anki 2] How do you import a deck into an existing deck? #44000



    in reply to: TextFugu Updates #43996


    Probably a good idea to just buy lifetime now and not have to worry about price changes.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #43995


    4-5 is when it starts to get challenging.


    in reply to: [Anki 2] How do you import a deck into an existing deck? #43994


    Did you notice the last post in this thread was two years ago?

    in reply to: Hello from Georgia! #43993


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Japanese Learning YouTube Channels #43981


    In relation to the 5 second Japanese videos.

    in reply to: Japanese Learning YouTube Channels #43979




    in reply to: 丁 kanji #43978


    Yeah, it’s better to think of the Kanji in your Kanji deck as concepts rather than meanings. The Kanji in your Kanji Vocab decks are the ones where the meanings should translate directly to proper meanings.

    in reply to: TextFugu Updates #43977


    Koichi has said that there are still months of work involved.

    So I would hope for a year from now, and be pleasantly surprised if it came sooner.

    Here’s some more that was posted in the same thread:

    A picture that Viet added to show the difference between Tofugu’s products before and after the restructure:

    Someone asked if Viet had an estimate on how long his part of the job will take, which is implementing the content management system and his response was:

    I am hoping in a month or two (for the CMS only). It is just me doing all the work, both front- and back- end, so there is a lot to do and learn in the process. I am also being extremely diligent in implementing tests and avoiding spaghetti code (DRY), so that is taking up time as well.

    *** *** ***

    Someone asked for details on the Kuma section, which is what the current EtoEto prototype [test site] will be transformed into:

    I don’t think the test site Koichi put up did the content any justice. I have plans on making the text more useful. Some ideas I have:

    Highlight active sentence with audio; Visual focus on the sentence that the audio is currently on.
    Grammatical breakdown of text (Similar to Jisho, example)
    English translation with text
    Dictionary integration

    I have some other ideas as well. But I think the above are important.

    *** *** ***

    More from Viet:

    …EtoEto is pretty much an all around Japanese learning site. From my understanding, the first two sections [Fugu and Kapa] will introduce grammatical material, among other things. The last section [Kuma] will be to put that knowledge into practice, both in reading and listening.

    *** *** ***

    In response to a question concerning if all three sections will be completed on release, Viet responded:

    From my understanding, Fugu will have 100% of its content completed and Kuma will have a large library available (around 300 or so “stories” last I heard which was a few months ago). Kuma will continue to grow. Kappa will at least be partially done, from what I’ve been told. A discounted pricing scheme will account for this until that section is 100% done.

    *** *** ***

    In response to the difficulty levels of the material in the Kuma section:

    Kuma will offer a range of beginner to advance text. Everything will be keyworded with difficulty and type (such as business, casual, children, etc) so you’ll be [able to] filter out what you want to read.

    *** *** ***

    The following is from Koichi, in response to content updates to WaniKani. I post it here as parts of it are relevant to TextFugu and over all updates:

    Unfortunately, this [content updates to WaniKani] is at the bottom of my barrel right now. I promised audio and sentences [would be added to WaniKani] so that’s getting a higher priority. Level 51+ [WaniKani currently has 50 levels] content is more like a “it would be nice if…” sort of thing. I plan to do it eventually, but I’m not going to let it get in the way of other things that need to get done sooner (for me right this moment that’s the new TextFugu, as well as making sure Audio goes up). My original goal was ~1 level per month this year. Perhaps I’ll catch up and add 2 this month, if I get the time.

    Sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been heads down, working on pretty much everything and their mothers, as the saying goes… I often forget people really like to know what’s going on, but then I lose track of time… months and months of it sometimes… or I just put off updates for people because I’d rather spend my time working on the things I should be updating people about.

    Other times, we just look at the forums and feel discouraged. There’s sometimes a lot of negativity going on, and I’ll shield myself from it (by not responding… I still read stuff, mind you) to things in the forums. As someone who has to do creative stuff for a living, taking part in that negativity takes away from the happiness I feel working on these projects. When I share updates, and when I share what’s being worked on and when I think it will be done it creates expectations. When I inevitably don’t get it done on time (ask anyone who writes for a living… they definitely don’t get anything done on time, or even close to on time) people get angry. When people get angry that causes extra stress and pain and doesn’t help me to get these things done faster. I go from really wanting and enjoying adding the new content and seeing the audio with the lessons and etc etc to just feeling like it’s boring, monotonous work. I know it’s selfish, but I don’t want to feel that way. So, in order to do that, I don’t put up updates as often. I know I know, whine whine whine. I’ll stop now.

    Anyways, all bad excuses, I know I should be giving regular updates on things, that’s my responsibility, etc etc, but that’s an explanation of various reasons why I don’t give updates as often as I used to. Also why I stopped giving date-estimates on things (Viet taught me that one, so blame him).

    I hope these updates satisfy the we-want-updates/we-want-answers monster for another month or so. In the short term you should be seeing audio going up as well as updates on the new changelog. Long term? Mysteries…

    *** *** ***

    Note: text that occurs between [ ] was added by me for clarity. ^_^

Viewing 15 posts - 181 through 195 (of 803 total)