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  • in reply to: Guide to Using Anki 2 with TextFugu #43847

    in reply to: Japanese Learning Resources #43846

    Member is another Japanese learning site that is pretty great.

    Already on the list. ^_^

    You’ll find it five down under Additional Resource sites.

    in reply to: Practice sheets in download section? #43844


    Koichi’s completely redesigning the site at the moment, so it won’t become a thing, he’s not adjusting the site as it is.

    That said, the new site might do this or they may not even exist in the same form. Hard to say.

    in reply to: Helloooouuu #43843


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    How long did it take you to learn Swedish?

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: The Coffee House #43842


    Bread maker!?!


    Seriously though, grats on the CAT scans! That’s excellent news. ^_^

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil :) #43841


    I you’ll find that reading Hiragana isn’t so hard if you keep practicing. Katakana tends to be harder as you generally have less exposure to it, but Kanji is the real pain of Japanese learning. It will make you want to melt your eyes so you don’t have to worry about them any more. LOL.

    in reply to: Kanji boggin down the studying? #43840


    Although I agree with the gist of what Aikibujin has said, I’d caution against getting too hung up on studying grammar. There are so many different ways to say things, each with its own different nuances and implications, that the study of grammar can (especially to those prone to obsession) amount stamp collecting. It doesn’t do you any good to know 15 ways to say something if you don’t have anything to say in the first place.

    Learn two or three ways to say “If A then B” or “Whether or not A, B” or whatever relationship between two clauses you wish to represent, and then move on. You are better off studying obscure vocabulary than perfect grammar.

    Oh I definitely agree. To clarify, I’m being TextFugu specific here. So I mean focus on the grammar first as in the lessons provided here in TextFugu and completing all of them, before you start obsessing over the vocab and Kanji provided here. Because yeah, TextFugu is not going to get you anywhere near perfect grammar, but by the time you complete it, you should have a good enough handle on the basics to be able to start intuitively absorbing other aspects of grammar as you start to “consume” native materials, or at least know enough to able to look up things that you don’t understand. As I said, the key is getting to the point that you can start using native materials without feeling completely overwhelmed. As that’s when the magic really happens and you start to feel like you actually know something about the language. ^_^

    PS: I would recommend using after you are finished with TF, for any of your grammar needs.

    in reply to: Hello from England :) #43815


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Help making kanji cards in Anki #43813


    I’m still coming back to this I promise. If I knew the answers exactly, I would have responded by now, but I only know parts, so I need to look up a few things first.

    This type of thing is what I was going to cover in the next part of my Anki guide, just haven’t had the chance to do the research for it yet.

    I’m actually fairly a beginner with Anki 2 myself, so I write up the guide as I research things and learn more about it.

    So I will get back to this soon as I want to know this stuff as well. ^_^

    in reply to: Vocab learning method confusion #43812


    A much more simple explanation for “Japanese to English, NOT English to Japanese,” and more in line with what most people mean when they say that is as follows:

    When using something like Anki you’ll be presented with:

    ありがとう (Japanese)

    You respond with the translation:

    Thank you (English)

    This is Japanese to English. Reading Japanese and translating it to English.

    Where as if you had:

    Thank you (English)

    And you respond with:

    ありがとう (Japanese)

    This is English to Japanese.

    The difference is between what is called ‘recall’ and ‘recognition’.

    English to Japanese is recall. This is harder because you have to actually generate or recall the Japanese fully yourself; so you have to know every syllable of it and exactly how it’s put together. And if you are typing/writing it, you’ll also have to recall which characters to use as well.

    Japanese to English is recognition. You simply need to recognize the Japanese word and come up with the meaning. This is easier because the Japanese is already there. You don’t have to generate abstract sounds and characters yourself, you already have all that there, you simply have to link it to the English word it represents, which you are already familiar with.

    By doing this you’re able to learn greater volumes of vocab at a time and by using them often enough the recall will eventually happen on it’s own without much added effort.

    Of course the natural result of this is that you can read and understand others Japanese well before you can speak and write your own Japanese. But that’s typically how it happens anyway.

    in reply to: Hi! from Texas #43811


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    You’d be surprised how many people list anime as the reason they want to learn Japanese, or at least as one of their reasons. So you’re not alone!

    And you wrote your post perfectly. ^_^

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Kanji boggin down the studying? #43809


    I know this is a really long post, but please read it all if you are having trouble, as it will help you a lot. I say this confidently as someone who has studied linguistics and taught English to non-native speakers. It works.

    There are two ways you could deal with this. That said, Option 2 is best.

    Option 1: Stop doing lessons and focus only on doing your vocab and Kanji for now. Once you have a grip on these and the number of reviews you have each day becomes fairly breezy, then you start your lessons again. If they start to become overwhelming again, stop your lessons and repeat as needed.

    Option 2: Keep doing Anki every day, maybe skipping a day occasionally if you must. Continue with your lessons and keep adding new decks to Anki as they show up. The big key to this option is making a conscious decision to stop caring how many items in Anki you get wrong. Take on a ‘whatever’ attitude with your Anki deck. This makes a huge difference and is key to this option.

    Option 1 is the slow methodical method, which suits some people just fine. Where as others will feel like killing themselves to make it stop. If you really like Option 1, go for it, but otherwise stick to Option 2, as it’s actually more effective.

    That said, you should use Option 1 regardless of which way you prefer until you hit Season 3. As the content in Seasons 1-2, including vocabulary, needs to be learned well, which requires you to be thorough and methodical.

    Once you hit Season 3, switch to Option 2, unless you really like Option 1 (and don’t care how long it takes for you to become fluent).

    Now to fully explain Option 2 and how it works:

    As I said before, the key is to keep doing Anki regularly, but to quit caring about your results. Don’t spend much time on it at all. Don’t stare at a card until you can remember what it means, as that tells you that you don’t know it well enough yet. So if it doesn’t come to you immediately, mark it as wrong and move on. When they come back up, don’t mark them as wrong again, mark them as hard so they’ll show up again tomorrow. If it comes to you immediately, always hit Easy. Don’t worry about how many you get wrong, at all. Set a certain time for Anki review, say 10-15 mins, and then stop. Focus on going through as many as you can, rather than getting them correct.

    What this is doing is simulating immersion, to a degree. If you were in Japan, you would be bombarded by heaps of words and would have no idea what most of them meant, but eventually as you see/hear them over and over they will start to stick. Once again, don’t worry about how many do or don’t. It’s not important at this stage. As for Kanji, focus more on the meanings than the readings, but still don’t worry too much about them.

    Your main focus should be the grammar that’s being taught in the lessons. That’s the important stuff. This is what you focus on.

    You don’t need to know many words (or any Kanji) to be able to practice grammar. As long as you know 5 nouns, 5 adjectives, and 5 verbs, you’re all set. Write them down in a list and learn them extremely well (Might want to use your passion list to choose the words).

    If you know grammar well, you can speak or write anything you want, you’ll just have to look up the specific words you need for the situation to fill in the blanks, which is really easy to do, and something you’ll still be doing occasionally even after you become fluent. Grammar is key.

    Even if you learn every single vocab word available on TF, they won’t do you any good, unless you can string them together to form functional sentences. So focus on this part first and when you can say anything you want using what limited vocab you have, then you can start focusing on expanding your vocab and will be able to actually use all the new words you are learning, so you won’t forget them and should be very confident in practicing with them.

    I don’t know if Koichi actually says any of this, as most of my time is currently being spent focusing on WaniKani (as I’m paying by month) rather than doing the lessons here, but I believe this is similar to what he has in mind when he starts adding so many vocab. He’s not expecting you to remember it all, but wants you to start being exposed to a lot of vocab so your brain will start to slowly absorb it through exposure as you go.

    You will never become fluent if you spend all your time perfecting a relatively short list of words (2,000 is short when compared to every word in a language). You need to get to the point that you can start reading or listening to native Japanese. At that point you will be blown away by how many words you start learning with little effort, as you come across them time and again and your brain realizes there’s actually a practical reason to remember them. The key to getting there is grammar.

    In the mean time, make sure you download Rikaisama (firefox) or Rikaikun (Chrome) as this will translate any words you can’t remember that are in the lessons, by mousing over them. Once again, don’t focus on the word, focus on how it’s being used, and practice the usage by inserting your own nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

    Once you have grammar down well, you’ll need to focus your attention on Kanji next.

    If you’ve been focusing mostly on Kanji meanings in Anki, while learning your grammar, you’ll find that your brain will store meanings much easier than readings, so you should have been able to absorb a lot of meanings for a lot of Kanji, just through the constant quick reviews I described earlier.

    You won’t know most of the readings very well, but that doesn’t matter. If you know their meanings, you will still be able to understand Japanese sentences that use them (just can’t read them out loud yet :P).

    So now that grammar is solid for the most part, you can start focusing on the readings of the Kanji. If you know grammar and the meanings of a lot of Kanji, you can start reading actual sentences, which will help you retain the readings so much more than simply using Anki or even WaniKani.

    Nouns, adjectives, and verbs are mostly wrote in Kanji, so as you learn your Kanji, you are expanding your vocab as well. The rest is mostly particles and grammar stuff, which you should already know by now.

    So keep learning more Kanji at this point and continue looking things up in native sentences or while constructing your own on Lang-8. Get on Skype and start talking to native speakers, or find them in your own town. If you do these things and keep with it, you will become fluent! ^_^

    in reply to: 了 pronounced = ryo or ro? #43808


    Yes that’s right. So りょう becomes ryou.

    So you take the first part of the hiragana in this case ‘R’ chop off the the vowel, ‘I’ in this case, and add the ‘U’ which simply makes the ‘O’ part longer.

    So with きょ it would be kyo and with きょう it’s like kyoo as far as pronunciation goes.

    You will often find that Koichi’s mnemonics don’t like up well with the actual sounds of the pronunciations. He does mention somewhere that these are supposed to be close approximations to the sound you need to help your mind bridge the gap, but won’t get you there completely.

    If you can think of something better, that might even make sense to you, but no one else, go for it. Use that instead, as you will find that some of his mnemonics will make it harder for you to remember what is correct.

    Yeah, the sound mnemonics can be a pretty big stretch. Over at WaniKani there’s a new vocab that’s still killing me; the suggestion is to remember “Okay now!” for おこなう.

    This one is a shinning example. I’ve recently had this one as well, and that mnemonic is plain rubbish, doesn’t help me at all. The problem is there’s not really anything else in English that is any closer to it.

    I ended up having to think of someone drunk saying ‘Okinawa’ to remember it. Still doesn’t line up, but it’s close enough that with a mental note, I can fix the differences.

    I’ve currently started watching some anime just so I can become familiar with some Japanese character names, specifically to use in my own mnemonics. As Japanese names will often contain parts that line up much better with what your trying to remember than any English word could, or in some instances are exactly the same as the sound you are trying to remember. It also helps as it keeps your brain in Japanese mode so you don’t have to access your English lexicon to remember a Japanese word.

    in reply to: Hello from Brazil :) #43807


    If you were after just 4 months I think I would kinda hate you… LOL.

    I’ve been learning Japanese for so long, but I haven’t been able to stick with it long enough to get anyway solid.

    in reply to: Nevermind #43806


    So mysterious…

    In any case, welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


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