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  • in reply to: Typing Japanese #43668


    On a side note, did you ever hear back from Koichi about the Ipad thing?

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #43667


    Yeah gotta love the early language robot talk.

    Learning Japanese is kinda like Data trying to learn to be human. ^_^

    in reply to: Hello, my name is Yusef #43666


    I wouldn’t classify myself as very successful. Probably because I spend too much time focusing on WaniKani and making help threads for others users here like these:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:

    It’s a sickness I think… @_@

    So I would echo Joel’s answer in saying, Not enuff!

    in reply to: Hello from Australia :) #43654


    That said there is apparently a big push currently for Japanese industry to hire foreign workers. Whether this is actually happening or not though is another story.

    The most likely way to snag a job over there is to get a job over here that also have branches in Japan and work towards getting a transfer. Which obviously knowing Japanese would tip in your favor. ^_^

    in reply to: Textfugu Anki Decks appearing as squares #43653


    Pretty sure it’s from the TextFugu decks as you design the cards how you want. That said, they were designed for Anki 1 so there may have been some base attributes associated with Anki 1 that have carried over through conversion to Anki 2, but it’s hard to say.

    You probably know all the stuff on it already as it’s only basic, but here’s a link to my updated guide on Anki 2 as well as a few other links for things I’ve put together:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: The Hump #43650


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Hello from Indiana #43649


    Yeah I’ve seen you over at WK.

    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Hello from Australia :) #43646


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    We have a few people on the board living in Australia, myself included. ^_^

    Love the avatar. ^_^

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Solo Learning #43645


    As far as Anki goes, if its becoming hard to manage you need to stop your TF progression for a bit. Focus completely on Anki for a bit and concentrate on getting things correct. The more you get correct the longer it will be before they show up again and your total load of reviews will decrease significantly.

    I’ve recently done this myself as I’m also learning Kanji through Koichi’s WaniKani program which is very similar to Anki, but with a better UI and you have to type in the answers. I haven’t done my Anki reviews today and this is what I currently have in queue (If you used my Anki guide I linked you to and set up your Master Decks how I described, you’ll understand the following):

    TextFugu 1 – Vocab: 6
    TextFugu 2 – Sentences: 5
    TextFugu 3 – Kana: 2
    TextFugu 4 – Katakana Vocab: 4
    TextFugu 5 – Radicals: 7
    TextFugu 6 – Kanji: 2
    TextFugu 7 – Kanji Vocab: 1

    So I only have 27 reviews to do. That’s not very many at all. If I had more than this, say 20 on each deck, how I do them is when I’m doing something else I’ll take a 5 min break and do one of the decks. Then I continue what I was doing until my next break, and repeat. If I’m working, I use the synch feature with Ankiweb and I do them on my phone during my breaks. Usually one deck per break. At lunch I do one at the start and one at the end. So it goes something like this.

    Wake up in the morning, do Deck 1
    Morning break, do Deck 2
    Lunch begins, do Deck 3
    Lunch ending, do Deck 4
    Afternoon break, do Deck 5
    Get home, do Deck 6
    After dinner, do Deck 7

    This ensures that they are done in small chunks so I don’t feel overwhelmed by them, and I have constant exposure during the day so Japanese is never too far from my mind. If I have fewer cards, I’ll do them all in three different sittings, rather than 7. If I have as few as I do today, I’ll do them all in one go.

    I would also advise you to be more liberal with choosing the Easy option on Anki, you don’t have to be perfect with it to choose this option. If you do choose it, there will be a bigger gap until the next time you see it, so when it pops up again if you have trouble with it you’ll be forced to choose Again or Hard and it will circulate more for you. However you’ll find that more often than not, many of those cards you will remember and you can choose Easy again and won’t have to see them for some time.

    I only ever use the Hard option for cards that I have just added to the deck. Otherwise I choose Good and if I can’t remember it next time I’ll fail it so it starts it’s rotation again. Once again I find that this does happen a bit, but I have more cards I actually do end up remembering and they start being pushed further back, rather than showing up every day.

    As for the other bit…

    I’m in the same boat, as I have no friends who have any desire to learn Japanese, even the few who do watch anime. My family thought it was interesting for the most part, though at the time I had planned to move to Japan. That said my family knew me well enough to know I would do anything I want to do, if I was determined, regardless of their opinions of it. So realizing that, they would generally not be supportive, but wouldn’t try to hinder me either.

    My grandmother is a hardcore Christian though, so she was actually afraid of me learning Japanese as she thought it might somehow corrupt me. Yeah, I know…

    That was when I started learning it about 10 years ago. Now days my wife thinks I’m a bit crazy for taking it up again as I’m also working towards my PhD in Psychology.

    As implied already I learned at an early age that if I want to do something I just have to go for it regardless if others think it is worthwhile or not, as in the end if I limit myself to what others think I should be doing, I might as well be living in a cage, I’m not going to be happy. And as a result no one around me will be happy either.

    It’s terrible when you don’t have people supporting you, but sometimes you just have to find the support yourself. Which is why this forum and other places like it are a great breakthrough in modernization. Here you can always find people who understand what you are doing and will support your goals.

    So don’t give up, put in your best effort and know there are thousands like you who are trying to achieve the same goal, regardless of the reasons. ^_^


    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #43644


    がんばって! ^_^

    in reply to: Anki problem – cards not displaying properly #43618


    Glad I could help. ^_^

    Was the original font arial?

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #43617


    Yeah you may want to hold off on continuing for a bit, until the current material sinks in properly.

    10 out of 50 isn’t bad, but 10 out of 40 is a bit much.

    You may want to start creating your own mnemonics for ones that are particularly troublesome.

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #43610


    I asked some cats over at WK, they came back with:


    Looks like we have a winner. ^_^

    in reply to: Anki problem – cards not displaying properly #43607


    One other thing you might try is to change the font on the cards.

    To do so click Browse on the Deck Menu.

    Click on your Kana Master Deck on the left side.

    In the right hand corner click on Cards.

    At this point take note of the Hiragana, does it look normal or still weird?

    There should be three boxes on the left. The middle one is titled Styling.

    The second line should say the following: font-family: Arial;

    Change this to: font-family: MS Gothic;

    If it worked, in theory it should fix it on the display to the right, but I don’t know if it already looks normal for you.

    In any case, close that window, close the Browse window and test your Kana deck to see if there’s a difference…

    Let me know how it goes!

    Edit: Finished this before I saw your latest post. It seems you are familiar with that function. Did you try a different font? Even if you have, try MS Gothic specifically.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by  Aikibujin.
    in reply to: Ready to rock and sushi roll! #43605


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Isn’t it funny how institutions designed for learning can often teach you so little?

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


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