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  • in reply to: Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N5 #43340


    Unfortunately since TF wasn’t created with the goal of completing the JLPT, you’d have to complete the entire thing, and then you’d still need to check with some of the JLPT guides to shore up a few things.

    in reply to: Etoeto Q's #43339


    If you have a lifetime sub to TF, you should be able to access the site.

    Go here:

    At the top, click on the link that says ‘sign up’.

    It should then show you the following:

    Access Is By Invite-Only:

    Are you already a TextFugu Forever member and did you join before June 10, 2013?

    Click: Yes

    You should be able to get in from there.

    I don’t know if you have tried this or not though.

    in reply to: Hello from Argentina #43338


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Do you like sumo or any other martial arts or just pro wrestling?

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    in reply to: Hi from Wisconsin #43313


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    I’ve been learning on and off for ten years now, so I feel your pain. Good luck!

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    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

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    in reply to: Weird Katakana Rules #43312


    Yeah, which is funny as he does actually pronounce them correctly in the Anki decks so…

    in reply to: Hello from Canada #43311


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

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    in reply to: wheres Anki japanese support plugin?? #43310


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

    Yes that is correct.

    Check out the following links:

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    in reply to: Hello from Norway #43309


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

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    in reply to: Etoeto Q's #43308


    When Koichi releases his rewrite of TF, it is supposed to include the content from etoeto.

    Do you have a lifetime sub to TF?

    in reply to: こんちゃ! 僕はMayerAustinです!! #43307


    Welcome to TextFugu and Happy New Year!

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    in reply to: Hello from Michigan! #43306


    Yeah I know how you feel about the episode numbers. I actually started watching it again from the very beginning. LOL

    Life stuff cropped up and I was way behind on the episodes and I had lost track of what was going on, so I said why not just start from the start again. ^_^

    You can find lists online that show which episodes are fillers, and just skip them. That’s what I’m planning on doing myself during my rewatch.

    And yeah I was in the same boat myself growing up. I wasn’t even popular enough to be picked on. I was always that “other” guy in the corner that no one knew anything about and didn’t care to know anything about.

    I was the perpetual new kid during most of grade school as I was always moving around and when I finally settled down in one place, I had learned that it was pointless making friends as they always disappeared anyway. And in the place that I settled in, everyone knew each other since grade 1, so even after being there a few years I was still treated like the outsider.

    Eventually I learned that self worth has nothing to do with the others around you or their opinions of you. You are who you are regardless of the standards of others, as most people (especially in early years) have an extremely narrow view of life and what it means, or what’s important. The things they consider to be good or cool are generally meaningless and petty, so it’s a poor standard to try to live up to, and ultimately pointless.

    A lot of people struggle to know the meaning of life and find their purpose for existing. I did for a long time as well. Eventually I decided why should I spend so much time and anguish trying to find some outside reason for such things that something else has decided on? This is my life, I have consciousness and awareness. I know my heart and what I value. I know what is right and wrong for me. So I decided that I am the one that chooses why I exist and for what purpose. Regardless of what others think, I will do the things that I want to do and live life the way I want to live it.

    I also decided that my own purpose is to experience this life in whatever way I can as long as I still have it. I value uniqueness and human individuality and expression, as I find these things to epitomize the beauty of life. And I reject limited ways of thinking that try to mold others into specific shapes and images, as this is the very opposite of life.

    We only have so much time, and it’s pretty short. So I try to look for new things and experiences and try them all, as long as they don’t hurt me or others around me. As just because I no longer allow others opinions to control my life, I still respect others as being the same as myself. They have their life and must also choose how to live it. If I can enrich their experiences as well, while still being true to myself, then even better. But I refuse to limit myself due to the limits that others would place on me or themselves.

    In fact from my perspective such actions are rather amusing. I see it like my foot talking to my hands and asking them why they aren’t better at walking. Why should they be? They are different and that is beautiful.

    I see life and existence as a whole. Nothing is separate. It is only when we choose to look at things as being separate that they are. The feet are not better at walking than the hands, because wherever the feet go, the hands get there just as quickly. They are connected. They are one.

    When others want me to be something like them or act the way they do, I think, thank you. As they are already doing that for me, so that frees me up to do something else interesting.

    If someone else is better at things I would choose to do, I think, thank you. As they are showing me that it can be done and how I might go about doing it.

    It doesn’t matter if I ever become better than them at that thing, as that shouldn’t be the reason I do it. I should do it because I want to and because I enjoy it. How good they are should have no effect on my enjoyment. And in fact I take joy in how good they are, because they are me.

    So yeah. I rarely give such personal views online. But there you go. ^_^

    in reply to: Common Errors in TextFugu #43304


    Thanks for posting, but I’m looking more for errors that give incorrect information, rather than typos.

    Koichi is currently rewriting the whole book, so he isn’t modifying any errors that exist in the text. So this is a way for students to check if they think something in the text doesn’t look right.

    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #43274



    in reply to: Guide to Using Anki 2 with TextFugu #43265


    I did that initially. But now I’ve gone back and started including them, just as some extra practice.

    What I do though is not try very hard with them. I use Anki as a speed system in a way. Since I’ve already learned them (in theory) on WK, I rush through them. If I immediately get them right I’ll pass them as easy, if not I fail them.

    This was his prototype for WK, so if you do include them, you’ll notice a few differences. A couple of the radicals have different names. Like ‘lack’ is ‘fail’ over here. He also includes some of the readings he doesn’t include in WK. Like the ON reading of ‘Evening’ being せき. I imagine he felt that they weren’t important enough to bother with when he transferred them to WK.

    I’ve also noticed a couple vocab that I didn’t see in WK, like 川下.

    So yeah, I think they are worth doing, but I’d use it more as a quick review than a learning tool since that won’t hinder progression like it will on WK (speeding through them). 

    in reply to: Damn you koichi! #43264


    Welcome to TextFugu! I figured I’d see you over here. ^_^

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