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  • in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42235


    Season 2 finished!

    Just a couple more lessons and I’ll be back where I left off a year ago. ^_^

    I’ve elected to skip the Kanji here this time and use WaniKani instead.

    in reply to: Anki 2 Guide for the OCDed #42231


    Something I should have realized earlier, but didn’t until now…

    If you read the OP before this was posted amend the numbering to include a 0 before each digit, otherwise Anki will completely destroy your deck order when you hit 10.

    So your deck view should look more like this now:

    -TextFugu Kana

    -TextFugu Sentences
    Sentences 01
    Sentences 02
    Sentences 03

    -TextFugu Vocab
    Basic Nouns 01
    Basic Nouns 02

    The OP has now been modified to reflect this.


    PS: If you found this helpful and used it, drop a line here so I know this kind of stuff is actually worth doing up.

    in reply to: Is Wankikani worth it after finishing Textfugu? #42230


    From the WaniKani FAQ:

    What will I learn by using WaniKani?

    Currently, we have plans to take you through most of the Joyo kanji with various additions and subtractions. This includes the meanings and common readings of these kanji. On top of this you’ll be learning an estimated 5,000 Japanese vocabulary words.

    *** * ***

    Don’t be too discouraged when you start off, as it seems like it takes forever to get past radicals and get to Kanji and Vocab, but they will start coming in a lot quicker. If you actually know all the Kanji here though it will likely take quite a long time before you hit new stuff, but it will certainly help reinforce all the ones you learned here.

    in reply to: Making my own anki cards #42225


    What do you mean it doesn’t show up? As in you make the card and it doesn’t use that card?

    Does it show the other two versions?

    in reply to: Jpod101 Coupon confusion #42219


    Might want to shoot an e-mail to the guys at Jpod101 for an explanation. Could simply be system error.

    in reply to: Hi from London #42218


    If you want a more active forum, ask over on the WaniKani forums. I think I saw you were a member there as well. A lot of people on WaniKani have been through TextFugu as well, so you will find people who can answer questions about the content here too. You can also shoot an e-mail to Koichi himself if there isn’t enough response or answers to your satisfaction. Even though he seems to scatter himself all over the place, he does tend to be timely with e-mail responses if they aren’t too complicated.


    in reply to: Heya! #42217


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    If you are actually a beginner with Japanese it would be worth the price even if it were never updated again. If you already have experience, then your opinion on that would vary accordingly. If nothing else this is an incredible place to start to learn how to study on your own and by talking to the other members will open up many other avenues for future study.

    Check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the early chapters of TextFugu:

    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    in reply to: Making my own anki cards #42204


    It seems like what you are asking is pretty basic, if you have figured out how to make new cards already, so forgive me if maybe I am misinterpreting what you are asking for.

    Here’s how I would do it (and just did it to test it out):

    1) Create a new deck by clicking “Create Deck.”

    2) Open the deck (or skip step 1 and open an existing deck).

    3) Click “Add” from the top menu.

    4) In the new window choose “Basic” for the “Type” field at the top left corner.

    You now need to create 3 cards. For this example I will use: 本

    For the first card do the following:

    1) Add 本 to the space in the “Front” field.

    2) Add “Book” to the “Back” field.

    3) Click the “Add” button at the bottom left of the window.

    For the second:

    1) Add 本 to the space in the “Front” field.

    2) Add ほん to the “Back” field.

    3) Click the “Add” button at the bottom left of the window.

    For the third:

    1) Add “Book” to the “Front” field.

    2) Add ほん, then hit enter, and add 本 to the “Back” field.

    3) Click the “Add” button at the bottom left of the window.

    This should give you three cards that do what you want.

    Let me know if this isn’t what you mean.

    in reply to: importing cards to anki 2 #42203


    Are you unzipping the files after you download them?

    in reply to: Hi from London #42202


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the

    early chapters of TextFugu:

    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and

    share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level



    in reply to: Textfugu + Wanikani = ? #42201


    Yeah I did, thanks.

    They definitely need to redesign the homepage for new users and make it more clear.

    in reply to: Hello #42200


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Anime seems to be the impetus for a lot of Japanese language learning.

    Check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the early chapters of TextFugu:

    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    in reply to: Hello from the Netherlands #42193


    Welcome to TF!

    I too first came into contact with Japanese as a kid studying Karate (Shotokan) and later was exposed to anime. This was particularly good for me as my Sensei spoke Japanese, so all the Japanese terms in class were spoken properly, thus I got a good feel for pronunciation early on.

    I still have major problems understanding fast spoken Japanese, but at least my pronunciation is pretty good.

    Check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the early chapters of TextFugu:

    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


    in reply to: The てる ending. #42189


    “On a side note if anyone knows a place I should go next for my next japanese lessons”

    This too is from Koichi and is what I believe was originally going to be the intermediate section of TextFugu, but he made it a separate thing instead.

    Can’t tell you if it’s any good though, as I haven’t finished TextFugu yet.

    You can also check out for more Kanji from Koichi.

    A few more Japanese sites that people around here tend to hang around:

    All have discounts for being a TextFugu member.


    in reply to: Greetings! #42185


    Welcome to TF!

    I’ve tried that before, as far as removing obstacles from study. A good idea when you are starting out as you do need to focus, but I can also say that when they pop back up, these things are the main reason I quit studying and have to spend so much time relearning what I’ve already learned before. I’ve been studying on and off for 10 years, but I’d only call myself an advanced beginner, because of this.

    So make sure if these things pop back up, you at least try to maintain what you have already learned (Anki reviews) and get back to it as soon as possible.

    I personally had a year off recently and would have reviewed Anki in the mean time, but I also got a new computer so I lost access to my decks. >_<

    So try to avoid this deadly trap if you can!

    Also check out this thread for some tips on organizing Anki 2 with the early chapters of TextFugu:

    You can also use the following thread to track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):


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