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  • in reply to: Anki File Names #34428


    Would I also have to rename the audio files/folders as well, to get them to stay in sync?

    in reply to: Practing the grammar #34426



    “Make myself feel dumb” I think is the most important bit of what you wrote there. You will only feel dumb if you make yourself feel dumb.

    I am in my 30′s having taught English as a second language in a school of higher learning. I don’t feel dumb at all reading a child’s book in a language that I haven’t learned. Just the same as I don’t feel dumb learning words like This, That, Me, and My. You have to start somewhere. If you try to bite off more than you can chew, even if you don’t feel dumb, it’s still not going to help as much as practicing things that you can actually handle and process efficiently.

    Yeah children’s books may seem silly, but personally I’d rather have the satisfaction of being able to solidly read one in 15-30 mins, than taking two days to translate a few pages of a Manga.

    If you can’t translate a children’s book, it’s kinda silly expecting to be able to translate Manga or newspapers as an efficient tool of learning the language. If you can easily translate a children’s book, then it truly is beneath you, and you should be moving on to more difficult subject matter.

    I would feel more dumb passing up a learning resource just because I thought it was beneath me somehow.


    As for the Kana and no spaces thing, I can see how that could be a problem. However, if you finish all the seasons in TF, you should then know enough words to be able to tell the difference just by looking at the sentences, identifying the particles, verbs, and any other words you are already familiar with and just filling in the blanks, so to speak.

    As far as finding them goes, once again I’d check with your local library. If they don’t have them they should still be able to order some in I would imagine. If not just look up some lists of them online and see if you can order them from Amazon or another outlet.




    in reply to: Hi! #34424


    Welcome to TF!

    in reply to: Hello again! #34423


    Welcome back.  ^_^

    in reply to: Practing the grammar #34393


    I think one of your problems with grammar is that you are letting Kanji get in your way. Kanji and conjugation are IMO the hardest bits of learning Japanese. Translating Manga for grammar practice isn’t going to do you much good if your main focus is the Kanji, because you are dealing with a heap you don’t know.

    Thus you should do the same thing, just find something that doesn’t use a lot of Kanji.

    I think the best thing for this is Japanese children’s books (think of Little Golden Books in English). The grammar is very basic, which is what you need to start with and they mostly consist of kana, or will have kana wrote over top of any Kanji that are used. There should be a whole heap of them, and you can usually find them in your local libraries if you have any Asian based communities in your area.

    Then you can graduate to teen, young adult, adult, etc.

    Translating Manga is one of those other side of the cliff things, so you seem to be leaving your ladder and trying to free climb to the top, as far as your analogy goes.

    So yeah, start off smaller and you’ll get there.

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #34392


    Welcome to TF!

    You’ll want to check out this link:

    in reply to: ののの You don\'t love me and I know now. #34391


    If those threads should be used before making another one, they need to be stickied as there is no way for new members to have a hope at knowing this.

    in reply to: Hello TextFugu #34388


    AUS here, welcome to TF!


    Yeah, I wouldn’t take a college course in a language that wasn’t being taught by a native of that language, that’s just asking for trouble.

    My experience in it was much better. I took 3 semesters and it was very good all and all, though definitely lacking in the kanji department.

    I can’t really compare it with TF as I’m still on Season 2, so obviously I’d already covered what I’ve seen so far, minus the Kanji and the radicals study, but the experience for me was a lot more positive.

    in reply to: Hi hi #34324


    Welcome to TF!

    in reply to: Why Hello There #34318


    Greetings and Salutations!

    in reply to: 大阪? 助けてください。 #34306


    But you don’t want to sound like a broken record. :P

    in reply to: Hey, TextFugu. #34302


    Welcome to TF!

    in reply to: 大阪? 助けてください。 #34301


    I think some of the most important bits to learn if you are planning on trying to talk as much as you can, are language/speech related phrases, such as:

    Sorry can you repeat that.

    Sorry can you talk a little slower.

    Sorry can you clarify

    Sorry I only know a little Japanese

    Sorry my Japanese isn’t very good.

    Sorry can you help me with this.

    Sorry can you explain that more?

    Excuse me.

    10 or so different ways of saying you are sorry

    Have you now or ever been a member of a secret ninja society and how can I join… (j/k… maybe) ^_^

    in reply to: Howdy #34279


    Welcome to TF!

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