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  • in reply to: Your experiance with Kanji on TF? #44438


    LOL, yes, I’ve found that WaniKani has forced me to improve my English spelling as well. Just be aware that they also use the American spellings, though the British way is usually still close enough to be accepted, as there is an acceptable margin of error with spelling.

    in reply to: Hello! :D #44437


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Hello, from Boston #44436


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    What was the reg message? It’s been a long time since then…

    Oh, and check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Shwmae from Wales #44435


    Classic Blunder = Never get involved in a land war in Asia

    Classic Blunder 2 = Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!

    That one must be very far down on the list. :P


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: Your experiance with Kanji on TF? #44414


    There is no one to my knowledge that’s named Ricky who was actually on the Power Rangers. It doesn’t matter.

    The point is to get you to picture a story so that you can link concepts together and thus will more readily be able to access the associated information.

    The problem with using someone else’s mnemonics is that the most effective mnemonics are personally relevant. So someone else’s mnemonics won’t be as effective as one’s you create yourself.

    If you never liked the Power Rangers, it’s going to be a bad mnemonic for you. If you think to yourself of something similar that you might like, for example Naruto (don’t know if you watch it or not, as I said use your own example) there’s a character called Rock Lee. So you could think of Rock Lee being powerful and relate Rock to りょく. It’s not an exact match up, but as long as it can synch with your brain it will be effective.

    Anime is a really good medium for coming up with mnemonics as you have a whole bunch of Japanese names that are more likely to sound like the words you are trying to learn, and just choose key aspects of those characters to create mnemonics.

    Your own mnemonics will always be more effective if you can come up with something that syncs well with you. The problem lies in being creative enough to come up with your own mnemonics for thousands of characters and related vocabulary. Even Koichi has this problem, as many of his are really bad.

    So yes WaniKani does the same thing, though they also have a space where you can write your own. I use WK and a write a lot of my own, but I still benefit from Koichi as I will use his to give me inspirations for my own.

    For the record, I think WK is a hundred times better than what you are getting here, so I would sign up for an account. The first two levels are free, so no reason not to give it a try to see if you like it. Just be aware it’s a very slow start with the first 2 levels, but by about level 5 it’s pretty full on.

    in reply to: A wild banseljaj appears #44400


    Yeah I ask everyone about banseljaj. :P

    in reply to: Hi! #44394


    *Pops in*

    Yeah Uni has started again, so my time is running away like quicksilver. Gold Coast here. ^_^

    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Usual spiel:

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:

    がんばって! ^_^

    in reply to: Hello…..from North Carolina…..and China #44393


    Welcome to TextFugu!

    Check out the following links:

    Guide for using Anki 2 with TextFugu:

    Track your progress and share your ideas/concerns when you finish a season (gain a level ^_^):

    List of additional Japanese resources you may find helpful:

    List of Common Errors in TextFugu:


    in reply to: DVD player in region lock. Suggestions? #44392


    Just make sure you don’t buy the PS2 from Australia. I’m not sure about that one specifically, but we often get jipped on functionality with them.

    in reply to: 2013年8月27日 – な、ふしぎやろ? #44391


    I’m still having trouble picturing missing as anything other than a teenage Japanese girl. :P


    I won’t blame it on the Anki instructions, which I’d call broken at this point, but others obviously overcame that hurdle, but it certainly was a factor.

    I would. That’s why I wrote my own. :P ^_^

    I didn’t have the same problems as when I started here we were still using Anki 1, but even then the instructions were still a little outdated, when I came back after a break and Anki 2 had been released, I knew I was going to have to figure out most of this stuff myself, and figured I’d share my findings, because the current instructions are horrendous.

    As far as “regular learning content” goes: I loved it. I hated the Passion List, and still fear it, but that was all, I love the personal and up-beat feel of the lessons, and the presentation is great, down to the quotes, which feel very well picked, and they generally add to it rather than distract despite being mainly garnish. Otherwise there is only small stuff, such as writing the hiragana chart in a “cleaner” font, and so on.

    In case you missed my response in the other thread I’ll repost it here, as others might benefit from it as well:

    I ended up skipping the passions list as well, because it got too complicated. I wouldn’t worry about it.

    There are occasional exercises that require the passions list, but you don’t really need to be passionate about your list.

    So as an alternative it might be better to choose a place that you go to often, and make a list of the objects, adjectives, and verbs that would be used there and use that. Something like a movie theater or a restaurant. So even though you might not be passionate about it, it’s still extremely relevant.


    New: Until today I was sadly unaware of the existence of the lesson index! Making this more visible in the lessons would be an improvement in my opinion. I’m well aware that Textfugu is currently being re-written, and I guess it’s going to improve a great deal so I’m not sure how helpful this still is, so I finish here and see how new Textfugu will be.

    From what I’ve seen it looks like the new index system will be very good, as that’s one of the most common complaints since the site was created. In case anyone missed it:


    The most frustrating part for me is that I can see a word in Anki or on Textfugu, remember its meaning in English, but when it comes time to take the English word and turn it into its Japanese equivalent, that’s when my mind goes blank. Should I be making an Anki deck with English words so I have to figure out the Japanese equivalent?

    In your case, yes you should.

    The reason it is in Japanese and you come up with the English is because this only requires you to recognize the Japanese, rather than recall the Japanese. Recall is more difficult for the brain than recognition.

    So the point of that is for you to learn a whole slew of Japanese at the recognition stage in a fairly quick time in order to get to the stage where you are comfortable reading native Japanese texts. At that point you will be reading so many common words that your brain will start to recall them as well as recognize them and it will happen fairly naturally. Then you would make English-> Japanese cards for any words that are uncommon or you are having problems with.

    As a result you will get better quicker at reading and understanding Japanese, but it will take a lot longer to write and speak Japanese yourself.

    In your case, since you are taking your sweet time with everything (nothing wrong with that) it would benefit you to go ahead and create reverse cards for the vocab you are learning, as you aren’t benefiting from the speed of the other method anyway, and this will allow you to have more confidence and a feeling of achievement, which you would be lacking otherwise.

    in reply to: Bookmark? #44388


    Not the best index, but it’s there.

    I generally keep this open in a separate tab.

    in reply to: Passion List, and Katakana symbols? #44387


    This whole list business wasn’t for me if I’m honest, I felt a bit like a blind man picking out wallpapers – I knew what I was looking for, and I knew what I was looking at, but it just couldn’t make sense of it all.

    I ended up skipping the passions list as well, because it got too complicated. I wouldn’t worry about it.

    There are occasional exercises that require the passions list, but you don’t really need to be passionate about your list.

    So as an alternative it might be better to choose a place that you go to often, and make a list of the objects, adjectives, and verbs that would be used there and use that. Something like a movie theater or a restaurant. So even though you might not be passionate about it, it’s still extremely relevant.


    in reply to: Guess what? #44386


    Tsetycoon has just been around the site for a very long time. So he has seen the multitude of questions that have been asked over and over again about the same things as they are sometimes unclear in the text, or a typo, or an actual error. And these things haven’t been fixed for years as Koichi stopped working on TF for a long time to do the Kanji project WaniKani (which is great for learning Kanji btw) and then when he came back to TF he did a small update of new material, but didn’t fix the old stuff, and then decided he was going to redo the site completely, rather than take care of the errors or confusions, and TF hasn’t been touched since.

    So for people who have been around a long time, it’s rather disheartening as we have been waiting for the updates for years, and it’s likely going to be another year, at the least, before we see anything new.

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