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  • in reply to: Pacing? #13031


    Yeah, it really is up to you how fast you go. I go as fast as I possibly can (1 week for season 1 and 2 weeks for season 2). Hmmm… maybe take the season number and use that, or double that, as the number of weeks to complete it (jk lol). As long as you are using Anki properly you won’t forget the material.

    I would say, if you’ve had a Japanese course before like I did, then Season 1 should take a week or less. If not then I would say 2-3 weeks max. Season 2 I would have finished in two weeks but I’ve stopped my progress through the seasons to learn all the kanji (I don’t suggest you do this, unless you can’t wait). So 2-4 weeks for season 2 is good. Season 3 is still being worked on so there is no reason to rush. As a matter of fact, I knew I would get caught up too fast if I didn’t stop to study kanji, so that’s why I’m waiting until all of season 3 is revamped.

    I hope I’ve been helpful.

    in reply to: Why does Hashi… #12868


    Look at how Koichi is staring at Hashi! He’s either giving him the evil eye, or checking him out (at least that’s what I think).

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12558


    *Skips through flower fields*

    – Smells nice! –

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12555


    I’ll respond but I’m not going to debate any longer. I understand your point, and I just don’t agree. But that doesn’t make what you are saying any less valid.

    “that that will cover the kanji used in 97.315%”

    Are you serious? I didn’t know it would cover that much of all technical terms in existence (which is slightly tautologous also btw). I don’t know enough to know if this is accurate or not, but if it is then it makes me want to know the 6,000+ kanji even more.

    And I see what you are saying on the lots of knowledge is useless topic, but because my interests are so varied I almost always can find a use for any bit of information I have. People around me call me walking encyclopedia because I’m full of “useless” facts. But I’ve been able to use nearly everything I’ve absorbed in some way (that I can recall). But I definitely do agree that with some people certain information may not be made use of.

    I have spent time in the past learning Spanish, Mandarin, Cantonese, and German. But I never found another language I love like Japanese.

    “I AM actually just trying to help you”

    Okay, I’m sorry. I thought you were just one of those people that likes to tread on people and their opinions because you think you know better. But I was wrong. In that case I’m glad that you have posted your thoughts because it has challenged my way of thinking. And though it was not your goal, it has strengthened my resolve. I now need to prove to myself that I can complete it and not end up hating kanji.

    “I’m sure you’ll reply (they always do hehe)”

    You got me here. But I do hope you see that it’s in a good spirit, and my intentions are only good. And I’m not arguing this time. : )

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12553



    “just because you don’t want to spend a few seconds flicking (or clicking) through a dictionary”

    I didn’t say this was the only reason, in fact I believe I already mentioned I also have an interest in this area. And any other reasons I may (or may not) have, no offense, are none of your business.

    “but you don’t have to learn the characters for every technical term in existence just to read through one document”

    exaggeration and being overly dramatic does seem to be your game. I never said you needed to know “every technical term in existence”. I just said that it would be “useful”. Mark the word “useful” because I’ll be bringing that up later.

    “but what I’m saying is that your task is a little too big and you could be using your time much more productively”

    First off, my task isn’t too big. I’ve always been an overachiever. I graduated high school two years early and had an associated degree before my friends were beginning college. I couldn’t go to college longer than two years because I couldn’t afford it. I’m not saying I’m very smart, just that I love knowledge and have lots of drive when it comes to learning. Second, how do you know what I should be spending my time doing. Maybe spending my time this way will be more productive than you assume.

    “LOTS of knowledege IS useless” and “if you just casually support your local football team, do you really need to know the names and life stories of every player who has ever played the game since it was invented”

    The first statement is false, and the second is just absurd. I didn’t say you need to learn “every” term for anything. In fact, I didn’t say you “need” to learn anything. Plus I doubt 6,355 kanji is an exhaustive list of every technical term. And your football example “every player who has ever played the game since it was invented” seems a bit tautologous to me.

    “I have a feeling you’ll give up your goal before you finish”

    I respect your opinion but it is, after all, just your opinion. I really don’t think that here at TextFugu, where we all come to learn, you should be trying to discourage others. And I definitely wouldn’t consider your post a form of edification (but that may just be me). I think we should be building each other up.

    My whole point is that just because something is not necessary, does not mean it is “useless”. Of course I would get by with approximately 2,200 – 3,200 kanji. I’m not sure however that I would have a quality of life, that meets my standards. I don’t enjoy being ignorant for the sake of other people being able to say I’m using my time productively. I can make use of what I study, and that makes it “useful” (I told you we would be revisiting that word). And there is use for almost any knowledge you can gain.

    I guess I will just have to say that you don’t need to waste your time by concentrating on how I’m spending my time. Although, if you would like to continue to scrutinize me or my usage of time you are most welcome to do so. By the way, arguing on here isn’t very productive but you seem to like it… And in case you say bring up the fact that I’m arguing too, I know I’m arguing (a bit). But my point isn’t that everyone should always use their time in the most productive manner. That is your position. And I’m not trying to dictate how others are to study or rather “what” they study. I’m trying to help others see that there is more than just one way of doing things.

    And all I can say is if you don’t like something then don’t troll their thread, looking for a way to criticize everything. Just don’t avail yourself of the contents of the thread.


    Me and you both rule the “Wall of Text” LOL. And I don’t want to fill the TextFugu forums up with arguing so I won’t respond to your retort (though I do want to hear it). So make sure to really stick it to me haha.

    Have a good one mate! : )


    Don’t be mad bro.

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12548



    Let me answer your question with another question. Will I ever need to read any of the 6,000+ kanji I plan on learning? Surely you’ve read or heard somewhere of taxonomy. I assume this is how you know to use the word. And if you know of this area of science, I do not doubt you’ve read of others? And surely it would be impossible for you to make it through any scientific subject without any knowledge of the terminology/jargon (or at least a dictionary). In reading it’s often helpful to know every word you can remember. If I do need to read them, at any point, then I would rather learn them now than have to use a dictionary when I do.

    And the whole question is pointless. Why did I always read the dictionary when I was a kid, which is seemingly just as fruitless. Because that’s one of my interests. Do you only do what is required to get by in life? Do you only study what you will use in a job? And does nothing just interest you?

    You can say that one of the things I believe in, is that no knowledge is useless. I think knowledge can only help you and those around you. Every bit of information you store in your brain can in some way be utilized in a beneficial manner.

    I guess it all comes down to, do I just want to survive until my life ends, doing the bare minimum; or should I do what makes me happy while gaining knowledge that certainly could be useful?

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12516


    Yeah, this is definitely not for the faint of heart. I plan on learning at least these 6,000 and whatever extra I need to learn for Chinese and Korean. I’m addicted to Chinese characters.

    I think that once I’ve completed this list I’m going to separate it by “primitives” like RTK does and make it much more easy to learn them. Make a sort of unofficial RTK 4 named Mastering The Kanji. I also am going to build a Mastering The Kanji anki deck with both English to Japanese and Japanese to English.


    I wish I had a cell phone so I could check out your app mate. Yeah, I’m just getting started learning Kanji, but I already have the fever. I can’t put down RTK 1.


    To make things a little easier I’ve set up an email just for this project. Shoot me an email at and I’ll show you some of what I’ve got planned and maybe you can help me brainstorm about how to make it “mo better”.

    I will let you know right now that I’m in no hurry with this project, because I’m devoting a lot of my time to study just the same as you.

    in reply to: List Of 6,000+ Kanji #12382


    Updated list is now sorted by KanKen level. Now has KanKen level, number of strokes and meanings for all 6,000+ Kanji.

    KanKen List

    I have the On and Kun readings, but the On and Kun are listed together and I don’t know how to separate them.

    Also, the GoogleDocs preview of the document doesn’t display it properly. The list does contain all the way to KanKen level 1 (6,355 Kanji) and is about about double the amount of pages shown on the preview. There is also a macro that you can enable or disable included that spell-checks any cell you just finished.

    in reply to: RTK questions… study suggestions #12206


    Hey! I’m exactly like you. I love helping people, and I enjoy a bit of the debate. But it was truly my fault, I didn’t think before I posted those two you just quoted me on. I’m really sorry too.

    And as for “Also, you say I should be studying instead of helping people”, I just have to point out that I didn’t say that or mean for it to come across that way.

    What I said was:

    if you don’t have the time to waste, or would just rather not,”


    “maybe you should be studying instead of being on the forum if you don’t have time to help, that is, without being short with other people.

    All of that aside, I really was hoping you weren’t mad at me. So here it is *HUGZ*. And I brought the picnic basket, but maybe I should have put some food in it. Now we are going to starve.

    in reply to: RTK questions… study suggestions #12185


    @ Mister

    Yeah, that was a bit harsh. And doubly so, since I already used the things you mentioned and knew how to view stories for one card at a time. I just didn’t know how to add multiple stories at once (like you can do with cards) so I don’t have to do them all separately.

    I do have common sense and can “intelligently guess”, and already knew every single bit of information in your last post. I already knew about the shared decks on anki, but I want one that already has 6th edition with the correct frame numbers. Since I can’t find one I’ll just create it as I go and share it after I’m done. That way I can contribute to others. I also already know how to suspend what I’m not using. I’m fairly clever Mister LOL. I guess you shouldn’t automatically assume that a person can’t figure out anything just because they ask for a little help.

    I don’t mean to be harsh, especially since I mis-spoke which lead to this. Just a bit of advice like you gave me, if you don’t have the time to waste, or would just rather not, then don’t bother responding to forum posts. Or maybe you should be studying instead of being on the forum if you don’t have time to help, that is, without being short with other people.

    Listen I think you are a great bloke, but being a little bit rude/impatient with someone can undo all the good things you’ve done. And you’ve helped me (and others) out quite a bit.

    I’m sorry for ranting and for being a little upset. I just thought it was kind of rude to insult my intelligence, when the first thing I do is go through Helps and FAQs. Can we please just get along? I really like everybody here and want to continue to have meaningful discussions with you guys in a kind and Christian manner.

    in reply to: RTK questions… study suggestions #12145



    Thank you very much for that info, I will cut down to writing each kanji 3 times. I’ve noticed it was slow, and it’s stopping me from getting my 50-100 a day. I only get about 20-30 writing them 3 times each. Also, I don’t know of an easy way to get the kanji that I learn each day into anki since I don’t know how to pronounce them. This makes it almost impossible to use the IME.

    I will definitely also try out Kanji Koohii for reviewing, but I can’t seem to find the stories for RTK on there.

    @Everybody Else

    I am truly grateful for everybody for trying to help me, but I have decided that I want to do RTK 1, 2, and 3 already. I was just wondering if RTK 2 and 3 will still work with my 6th edition RTK 1. I also wanted to know if there is a better way of studying RTK (which MisterM2402 helped me with already).

    in reply to: # of people using Textfugu? #12119


    9000!? There’s no way that can be right! It CAN’T!!!

    in reply to: RTK questions… study suggestions #12118


    I’m brand new to using RTK and I don’t know if what I’m doing is good or not.

    I’m reading the information on each kanji (story and meaning), then I write each kanji five times. Each time I write the kanji I recite the keyword or meaning. After I’m done with a kanji I go back and I try to recall the meaning of each kanji on my paper. At the end of the day I import the kanji I did that day into Anki from a RevTK .csv file.

    Is this the proper way to go about learning the kanji, especially since I want to be able to write well too?

    Can people suggest any other methods to use RTK?

    I’m using RTK 1 6th edition, and I will be moving on to RTK 2 and RTK 3.

    Also, am I going to have to wait for an RTK 2 6th edition to come out, or will the current edition of RTK 2 cover what I’m learning in RTK 1 6th edition?

    in reply to: Hello #12071


    Yeah! How did I forget that. I wish I’d started around age 8-12. I didn’t start learning Japanese until I was about 24. And once I took one class I stopped working on my Japanese. I did have the benefit of making a Japanese friend in college though, so I learned a little more from him than I did in my class.

    Now I’m 27 (28 on June 20th), and I regret that I didn’t continue my studies before now. I could have been nearly – if not completely – fluent by now. Just remember to stay motivated, and any time you need a kick in the rear just post in the forums and we’ll motivate you.

    in reply to: Hello #12051


    Welcome Armando!

    You did make the right choice with TextFugu. It’s a great place to learn Japanese and it’s getting updated (major updates) a couple times a week.

    Soon you will be trilingual!

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you in the forums.


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