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  • in reply to: Hi everyone! :) #22636


    Hi Fábio and welcome!

    I personally can’t recommend any other resources since I’m using many of the same ones lol. And yes the iPhone is super handy, especially for studying the kana on my downtime. There are lots of others here who are far more experienced than me, and everyone is very helpful so don’t be afraid to ask for help if you have a question!

    Best of luck with your studies and nice to meet you too! :)

    (P.S. Glad to hear your dad is in good health now) :D

    in reply to: Your Christmas Break 2011 #22633


    Hahaha you guys are hilarious!

    Enjoy your winter holidays while you can…even though I only graduated a year ago, it feels like forever ago that I got a break lol. Oh and Missingno15, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t do too well with your classes, but grades really are overrated anyway. All that matters is that piece of paper in the end…I know because I worked my ass off to finish with 2 majors and a minor and graduated sums cum laude…and I have nothing to show for it hahaha!!

    I’m still a total noob when it comes to Japanese so I won’t embarrass myself with my slow albeit steady progress, but I hope you both are able to study lots and hopefully relax lots too ;)

    P.S. Congrats missingno15 on the (soon-to-be I assume) girlfriend! :D

    in reply to: Handwriting Practice Pads? #22548


    Yes, I like that resource, I’ve been using that as practice for awhile….the only ones that I’ve found so far that are different are ‘ki’ and ‘sa’. I asked about this in a different thread and found out handwritten kana looks different than computer font kana. /face-palm

    Since I’m such a beginner, I didn’t want to confuse myself with these little differences just quite yet, but overall it was very helpful with learning the strokes.

    Thanks Zach! :)

    in reply to: Handwriting Practice Pads? #22472


    Ah, thank you Hattori and Zach! Such a great idea! I’ve been printing some sheets to help with writing from random websites, but idk, for some odd reason I think I’d like it in a more well put-together book; yeah I’m weird like that lol. Will definitely look into those links!

    in reply to: Hello from シカゴ! #22448


    hahah yes, sumimasen is very important….then i usually follow it with wakarimasen lol. I too have a hard time with the ‘r’ sounds, but Koichi wrote a really simple way to help pronounce the ‘r’… it’s just a matter of motor memory skills.

    I’m a beginner too, still learning Hiragana….got 30 of them down so far, woot! So if you already sorta know Hiragana, way to go!!, you’re less of a beginner than me!! ;)

    Hopefully your boyfriend will help you and keep you motivated as well. If there’s anything I can be of help with (which I realize probably is not a whole lot lol), feel free to ask!

    in reply to: Hello! #22443


    Hi Yosk!

    It’s never too late to get back to your roots :)

    Best of luck with your studies!

    in reply to: Hello from シカゴ! #22442


    Hello and welcome!!

    That’s awesome that you set up a blog, I considered doing one myself to keep track of my progress but I guess I thought it would feel kinda odd talking to myself….i mean, who would want to read my nonsense anyway right?? lol.

    Are you new to learning Japanese or do you already know a little bit? just curious ;)

    Also, Chicago truly is an amazing city! I’ve visited once years ago and had a blast; I’ve wanted to go back ever since :)

    Anyways, I look forward to more updates from your blog!!

    in reply to: Humaira's 自己紹介 #22160


    Hi Humaira and welcome!!

    Just wanted to say hi from a fellow newcomer….I’ve only been studying for a few weeks too :)

    Best of luck with your studies and let me know if there’s anything I can help you with ;)

    in reply to: I'm new here. (this is also a long post) #22019


    Hello! It sounds like you have a really good foundation already which is awesome seeing as I’m still trying to learn Hiragana myself :/ (I’m super slow)

    Thank you for listing out what websites and resources have helped you; as a newbie I’m always looking out for different ways or new sites to help me learn :)

    lol @ “I don’t even know enough to hold a conversation with a 5 year old.” <—same here!!

    Welcome and best of luck with your studies! :)

    in reply to: I give up. #21934


    Wow, I’m really sorry to hear you’re quitting. I unfortunately can’t relate to your situation very well since I myself am just starting to learn Japanese, but I’ve certainly had fears about what you’re expressing.

    May I ask you why you feel you don’t have what it takes to live in Japan? I like to think that as long as you’re happy and enjoy what you do, whether that’s living in Japan, learning Japanese and Japanese culture, etc., then you shouldn’t let your fears of failure stop you. There’s lots of reasons why I know I don’t have what it takes to work and live in Japan, but I can’t let that stop me from pursuing something I feel so passionate about.

    And you said you’ve invested years into this; you’ve been fighting those fears for so long, persevering for so long, that you are entirely more competent than you give yourself credit for.

    It saddens me that you think you’re not a strong enough person and that you feel like you are doing something/are somewhere where you feel you don’t belong. For you to have dedicated years to learning Japanese is proof that you’re a strong person. It’s a mind over matter thing. If you tell yourself ‘I’m meant to be living and working in Japan’ then you WILL be meant to be living and working in Japan. No one can tell you where you do or don’t belong other than yourself.

    I hope what I wrote at least makes sense….sorry, I didn’t mean to get all philosophical. I just want you to know that if there’s anything I can do to help (which I realize probably isn’t much since I’m new to Japanese), please don’t hesitate to ask. I hope even if you never look at another kana again….please don’t regret the time and energy you’ve put into your studies. You never know if/when it might come in handy :)

    in reply to: Hello :) #21933


    I just wanted to say thank you everyone for the nice responses……they’re more appreciated than you’ll ever know :) (esp. today; for some reason today has been particularly hard…haven’t left bed all day) ;’(

    And I hope I didn’t sound presumptuous about studying 2-3 hours a day….I still only know the first 15 Hiragana and some misc. vocab. What takes me 2-3 hours a day to learn probably takes most people only an hour – mostly due to the fact that I’m a perfectionist and therefore feel the need to go over something 15 million times lol. So I apologize if anyone felt discouraged by my original post; that was not at all my intention.

    Again, thank you all so much!!!! <3

    in reply to: Help me #21914


    Yggbert, what kind of degree do you need? Like one in teaching English as a second language? The reason I ask is because I finished my B.A. in 2010 but my majors were French and International Studies with a minor in Linguistics… ESL experience. Do you know if that makes a difference?

    Also, thank you SO much Shawna for the info…’s people like you that inspire me to not give up my dream of teaching in Japan. :)

    • This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by  Carlie.
    in reply to: Question about the kana for ki #21819


    Yes, thank you Ian, I was thinking it might be a print vs. hand-written difference, but I couldn’t find a source to confirm.

    I decided that while I’m learning the Kana (Hiragana atm) I might as well learn how to write them as well, which means learning the order of the strokes, so that’s why I asked. Thank you very much for your response :)

    in reply to: Question about the kana for ki #21812


    Ah ok, thank you very much Sheepy, I’ll just stick to writing it how it looks in the Hiragana chart :)

    in reply to: Hi! #21759



    Just wanted to say from a fellow newbie…..I’m still learning Hirigana too. :)

    So, welcome and if there’s anything I can help you with (which isn’t a whole lot atm lol, but I’ll try!), feel free to ask :)

    ….and best of luck with your studies too!

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