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  • in reply to: Hey! #45397


    I don’t really have anything to show you.
    Now, I write music instead. But I have nothing recorded.
    I feel this topic begins to be a little more abut me than you. If you want to chat with me, we can contact on Skype, if that’s something you use and want to.

    in reply to: Hey! #45395


    No matter what I did someone always told me I were incredible bad at it. I told I would never get a great life, and I believed them. One of the things I did was drawing, and someone (it felt like it were everyone) always told me how bad I was at it, so I totally dropped it. This is how my daily at school until I were about 16-17 years.
    I still haven’t learnt social skills and I seriously doubt if I’m ever going to.
    Now you probably think “ahh. That explains the weird dude called Cimmik”.

    Why I’m kind, you ask. Because I try to unscare you after scaring you with the weird things I said… oh.. and because you are so awesome.

    Did you draw your own avatar?

    in reply to: Hey! #45387


    Yes, I am a little weird. Personally I prefer people around me to be a little weird. Math, physics and music. Yes, I like it. I wrote the post just after watching a lot of “NUmberphile” on youtube, so that probably affected me. I liked to draw too but I stopped because of getting bullied. This becomes a little too personal to me. This topic isn’t about me btw. It’s about you who have just joined TextFugu. I’m so proud of you.
    We are at the same age.

    in reply to: Hey! #45381


    No. I’m not from Lithuania… but I know where it is on the map, I just wanted make you happy. I hope it worked.
    I’m sorry to tell you that you can’t send private messages.
    Now you talk about it’s rare to find another from Lithuania.
    The probability for me to meet a Lithuanian here is the amount of people who posses a membership here on TextFugu divided by how big a part of the people in the world (minus Japan because Japanese don’t use Textfugu) the Lithuanians are.
    For you the probability is a little bit smaller because you are one of the Lithuanians. The calculus for your probability is found nearly the same way as mine, you just minus one from the amount of Lithuanians.
    It is just an incredible tiny little bit your probability is smaller than mine (0.000033963% actually) but it actually made a difference, as I met one here on TextFugu and you didn’t.
    I assumed that people in Lithuania are exactly as likely to join TextFugu as the average people from the rest of the world (again minus Japan, as Japanese have no reason to use TextFugu).

    I’m sorry you can’t use what I just wrote for anything. I hope you forgive me. I really hope I didn’t scare you.

    In case you wonder: I’m from Denmark.

    Let’s be friends.
    And in Japanese: 友達になりましょう。

    in reply to: New guy here! :D #45377


    I learn’t all the radicals much early than TF told me to, and I think it was a very good idea as it became much easier for me to learn kanjis on my own, outside of TF.
    As you learn a few grammar concepts I think you should try to read some of the beginner texts from this site.

    Oh and one last thing. As soon as you get able to make your own sentences, you should begin to use Lang-8 can correct some of the faults you do in the beginning. Lang-8 is a site where you can write something in the language you want to learn, and get corrections from natives.


    I’m about to read the last chapter of Season 5. Only cards I’ve made are sentences that I take directly from the different chapters, since the normal sentences deck only lasts to about season 2 or something. However, these cards gets pushed back in queue pretty quickly (most of them are already 1+ month).

    I can see you wrote your entry from 6 months ago (so I assume that’s when you started). So even though I’ve been studying for about twice as long time as you, we are at about the same place in TF (I’m just about to start the first lesson in season 6). I would simply suggest you to go a little slower. After I’ve read about a new grammar concept, I have to think about it for a little time before I can move on, so I usually don’t read more than one page on TF each day (depending on the page of course). Try to avoid importing too many new decks to your anki until you can keep up again. Try to find some ways to study Japanese that doesn’t require you to learn new vocabs which you have to import to anki.
    This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t import decks from TF when you get told to.
    I wish you good luck.
    Oh and watch this video. Aikibujin showed it to me.

    I add my own sentence cards too, btw.

    in reply to: Hey! #45375


    It’s awesome to meet you.
    I have always dreamed about meeting a Lithuanian with the same urge as mine to learn Japanese.
    The rest of the community here is incredible nice and I’m sure they can’t wait helping the new Lithuanian member with whatever you can get of issues duo concerning Japanese.

    in reply to: I found this sentence and I want to know how it works #45367


    Sounds legit


    Days Studied: 100% (193 / 193)
    Total: 47600 reviews
    Average for days studied (amount): 246.6 reviews / day
    Average for days studied (time): 33.2 minutes / day

    Are these kind of stats overboard? Or are they average? I’m usually pretty tired once I’ve gotten through my Anki decks, making me feel unmotivated to study more for that day (which probably is the reason why I make less progress on Textfugu).

    At what season are you? Do you only import the decks from TF or do you import additional decks (or make your own cards)?
    I think 246.6 sounds like a lot.
    I have studied for a little more than a year now and I have 210 on a bad day.

    I would also feel burnt out in my brain after going through so much anki each day.

    in reply to: I found this sentence and I want to know how it works #45364


    Shouldn’t the sentence from lang-8 then have been. 今日は、ニックネームについて話をするつもりです。
    Because 話 is a noun.

    in reply to: I found this sentence and I want to know how it works #45355


    Do you mean N1 and N2 both are nouns? So, you there have to be nouns on both sides of について?

    in reply to: Just made my first Lang-8 post.. #45348



    Let’s make a game out of this. The one who forget the post first wins.

    in reply to: Anki Help #45347


    I’ve gotten it too. I don’t think it matters much if you use Anki on your computer. If you have some decks which you can merge together, it’ll be a good idea to dou it to avoid Anki getting slow (but I think it’s mainly on devices like phones). If you can avoid making too many mew decks, then avoid making too many new decks. I know it can be difficult with textfugu, as textfugu regularly tells you to add new decks.
    I’ve just added the last kanji and vocabs from season 5 and I still don’t have any problems with a slow anki.

    in reply to: Just made my first Lang-8 post.. #45310


    Forget this post.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by  Cimmik.
    in reply to: 七 Reading #45309


    you are welcome

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