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  • in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42859


    I’ve just written a lang-8 entry. Earlier I have written one with the 12 sentences that testes your basic grammar (you can read about them here). This time I gave them a little twist (made them more complex), and I think I’ve used something from every topic that I’ve read about in TF until now. I used a little from (especially this).
    It’s a kind of achievement for me, so I think it would fit into this topic.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Cimmik.
    in reply to: JLPT winter 2013 #42857


    For example the coordinates of mouse clicks will be different if you have another resolution than me, and I use 16:10 which isn’t very common.

    Should the mouse position make any difference in looking up the words or add them to anki?

    in reply to: Frustrating Anki problem. #42854



    in reply to: TextFugu Season Completions for Great Motivation of Heart! #42853


    The way TextFugu teaches, makes me finally understand what I’m learning. It also keeps me motivated.

    I also find TextFugus way of teaching very helpful. Koichi explains the concepts in a way that no one else do it. Besides that I like the the kind of humor he uses.
    If you run into a hard time, just don’t give up and don’t question yourself.

    in reply to: JLPT winter 2013 #42840


    Btw, I can’t really make you script work for me (I use google chrome), and it’s probably not only the browser that make problems. I’ve only known of AHK for one day now so (as you can guess) I’m pretty much noob in using it.

    in reply to: JLPT winter 2013 #42839


    @Mark: Thanks for that link, that’s awesome! I would have had a better look for something like that myself but I’ve been so busy with uni work recently (stayed up all last night through to today getting a project done for; it’s 9pm now so I’m pretty exhausted haha).

    The file format is ahk. It’s used in a program called AutoHotkey which makes it possible for you to easily make your own hotkeys.

    in reply to: Japanese Learning Resources #42825


    Not sure how comprehensive it is

    Yea it’s better than nothing.
    I just fear that those who record the words are relatively random people from all over Japan, so I begin to speak Japanese with many different accents.
    Can anyone confirm whether they are recording a neutral (or one specific) accent or is it just random?

    in reply to: Japanese Learning Resources #42821


    The beta version of jisho is starting to include audio files from WaniKani, but that’s still really limited.

    That’s pretty awesome. Hopefully they’ll get audio for all (or most of) the the common words.

    in reply to: Doing a presentation in Japanese #42786


    When Koichi wanted to learn some Chinese (you can read about it he used to get translation. If you use gengo you have to spend some money on it.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Cimmik.
    in reply to: Japanese Learning Resources #42773


    Is etoeto a grammar resource? I think about etoeto as reading, listening and speaking practice.

    in reply to: Post your mnemonics suggestions here! #42772


    This time I would like to share a mnemonic for a kanji which is not one of TF’s.

    Meaning: Flock
    Reading: しゅう
    Radicals: Turkey, tree


    A tree with turkeys growing in it. There’s a whole flock of turkeys in that three.


    You want to go out and pluck some of them, so you take on you shoes.

    in reply to: Post your mnemonics suggestions here! #42763


    malicious; ill-tempered; unkind

    I have spend incredible long time to figure out a mnemonic for いじわる but I could really find any. Now it’s just in my head and I’ll probably never forget it again. Just because I’ve been thinking so much about it.

    in reply to: これ、それ and あれ in Season 3,9-4 #42745


    Just to simplify.

    かれ (彼) means he/him
    かのじょ (彼女) means she/her
    これ = this
    それ = that
    あれ = that (over there)
    こちら = this person
    そちら = that person
    あちら = that person (over there)

    in reply to: Individual groups in the ultimate verb dech #42743


    You can set the new cards per day for the Ultimate deck to 0, and then do a custom study with “Study by card or by tag” -> “new cards only” -> “Require one or more of these tags” -> Group01

    After you’re done with that custom deck, the cards won’t be marked as new anymore and treated like any card in a normal deck.

    Okay I did as you said.
    It gives me exactly 100 cards to study. I’m wondering why because since there are 9 vocabs in group one and 9 cards for each vocab, it should just be 81. So I don’t think I’ve filtered all the other cards away by this method.

    EDIT: Forget it. My fault. I marked the cards that should be omitted instead of those that should be added.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by  Cimmik.
    in reply to: I have returned. #42728


    for the grammar.
    If you know what you don’t remember, you can look the specific topics up e.g. on TF or
    I hope you get into it again.

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