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  • in reply to: Let's play a game! #27315



    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27314


    もしかしネコは猫の名前だ。That’s what I thought… :)

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27309



    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27308


    Thanks a lot guys! What about this one: うちのネコが子猫を生みました。 Why is “cat” written in katakana?

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #27295


    ^^ Last time I was tweaking my deck I noticed changes in translations (e.g. 犬が病気で死にました was “Our dog got sick and died”, and now it’s “Our dog died of sickness”). So, they know some translations are not as good as they should be. I remember posting here a sentence that was translated in wrong tense.

    My sentences:

    八日からイギリスに行きます。 (I go to England on the eighth.) Why is it から and not に?

    ドアをどんどんとたたいた。 (I banged on the door. ) Why is it translated as “bang” and not as “knock”? Does it have something to do with どんどん or is it because both どんどん and たたく are used in the same sentence?

    それはどういう意味ですか。 (What does that mean?) どういうはどういう意味ですか。 :)

    後ろから押すと危ないですよ。 (It is dangerous to push from behind.) What is the function of と in this sentence?

    是非、うちに来てください。 (By all means come to my house.)
    明日、うちでパーティーを開きます。 (Tomorrow I’m having a party at my house.) Just to check, both うち here are 家? Or something like うち from うちの息子は大学1年生です?

    この大きさの封筒が欲しいのですが。 (I’d like an envelope of this size.) Is it the same as この大きさの封筒が欲しいです。

    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27275


    I couldn’t remember any words staring with ざ except for 雑誌 :S


    in reply to: JLPT in 2 weeks #27237


    Congrats Joel! (^_^)b You passed N3, right?

    vanandrew, check out this site: You should get a general idea about what you need to know there.

    in reply to: studying kanji using clozes #27234


    Haha, I just started changing my deck into this layout few days ago. Great minds think alike and all (or read the same site) :P I managed to change 350 cards so far (luckily I have only 1k, so I’ll be done by Sunday). My previous deck was hiragana/audio -> kanji, but I would forget the meanings of isolated words all the time. This was pretty frustrating since the goal of that deck was to practice kanji, not meanings, and I would often have to fail a card because I didn’t know what the words mean.
    I am very stubborn about not having English words on front of my cards, so cloze deletion sounded like a great idea. Works great so far. I breezed through my kanji reviews.

    I will also start MCD on my main sentence deck next week. Not sure what to delete, though. Starting with particles sounds safe enough :)

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 12 months ago by  Hatt0ri.
    in reply to: Let's play a game! #27134


    lol I really did learn a new word here! Bear-cat is panda? awwwww


    in reply to: The Study Thread #27120


    Yeah, I see what you mean. I must have known around 10,000 words back then to be able to understand 90% of everything. My only consolation at the moment is the thought that the ability to learn new vocab grows over time. As I said, when I just started with Core I was learning 5 new sentences/day. Now I go through around 30, no problem. That’s why I plan to finish C3k by June/July, even though it took me three months to finish C1k alone.

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  Hatt0ri.
    in reply to: The Study Thread #27118


    Jeez, I don’t remember English being as troublesome as this is :( I was intermediate level (according to my high school textbook) when I started using English on a daily basis. Sure, I would run across a word I didn’t know (“scapegoat”, “blaze”, “abyss” and such – I was into death metal back then :p), but one or two in every sentence? That never happened… Maybe Japanese really is hard! *gasp*


    Yes, it’s “I expected I ate sushi”. Both parts are past tense.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27110


    Mister, I was sure you were beyond 2k by now? Congrats on RTK anniversary :P

    Elenkis, will finishing Core3k really be enough to start reading on my own?

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27104


    lol missing

    Mark, I don’t actually study on Core website, I expressed myself badly. I just use it as a source for my own decks. If someone is looking to study sentences I wouldn’t recommend them to study there. If you just want to learn vocab it’s okay site, but you can do that just as good with Core deck.

    in reply to: The Study Thread #27097


    Yeah, I don’t think there is Core1k shared deck. I study at iKnow site, they have each step separated there. I am also very satisfied with these sentences, so I’ll keep going until I hit Core6k :) Or find something better.
    Don’t worry about cutting down, as long as you don’t stop studying all together. When I just started I was doing only 5 sentences/day. Any number is fine!

    • This reply was modified 13 years ago by  Hatt0ri.
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