Forum Replies Created
February 11, 2012 at 7:50 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #26630
Thanks to everyone helping me with sentences so far. I have more questions :(
空いたお皿をお下げします。 What is お下げします? 下げる + する :S
今日は一人で映画を見ます。 (I saw a movie by myself today.) I don’t understand how is this sentence in past tense?
地図を見て来てください。 見て来て part is confusing me.
あちらに行ってみよう。 (Let’s go that way.) Is the meaning of this sentence close to “Let’s try going that way”. Like they have no idea where they are going?
このケーキはあなたの分です。(This is your share of the cake.) Is the person here talking about the last piece of cake?
What’s the Japanese name of Nearly Headless Nick, I wonder… Please report, Michael :) And good luck with the reading!
February 9, 2012 at 12:37 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #26499Actually, in my native language borrow and lend are the same word. I can’t believe no one bothered to teach us the difference properly! :D
I see now XD Thanks Joel!
February 8, 2012 at 11:49 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #26493Wow, thank you guys! I totally confused borrow with lend, yes. All these years I’ve treated them as synonyms! :S
@Fighter Thanks a lot for explanation on other two sentences.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
I don’t get it. I don’t get the joke. *cry*
Also, I still don’t understand ものって… How do you attach って to もの?
When your paid account expires you are able to access forum and free lessons. I had a monthly account which expired several times, so I know that first hand XD Maybe something changed with the new upgrade though. I can’t see “free” tag next to free lessons anymore.
February 8, 2012 at 9:10 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #26438I need some help with sentences again.
彼にビデオを借りました。 Translation is “I borrowed a video from him”. Shouldn’t it be “I borrowed him a video”?
車に注意してください。 Translation is “Please watch out for traffic”. What does 車に part really mean? To be careful while driving the car, or to watch out for other cars?
出かける時は鍵を掛けてください。 (Please lock the door when you go out.) Is 鍵を掛ける usual phrase for locking a door?
1. になる = to become. 私は病気になった。
2. につれ = something happening (gradually) as a result of something else. に連れ。
3. It’s adverb (adjective + verb). な adjectives use に before verb (drop な); い adjectives change い to く. <- Koichi, be proud! XD
4. 物 is used for real things, 事 for concepts.
5. I don't understand ものってなんだ part at all, so I can't figure out the question :S But it's something pervy, right? I apologize if it's not, I was going by the "H" part, and dictionary has only one entry for it (エッチ).We don’t store information by creating new neural cells, so it’s impossible for a brain to grow out of the skull because of the increased amount of data. But as you said, our seemingly unlimited memory capacity could be due to our short life spans.
@Eddie: You can connect the words to whatever you like, as long as that makes it easier for you to remember them. Which step is skipped when thinking of English word?
No, new facts won’t overwrite the old ones. Long-term memory has unlimited capacity. Forgetting is simply an inability to locate a fact in the long-term memory. That’s why mnemonics are so useful while studying a language – they create a “path” that leads you to the fact. The more you study, more “paths” you create to a single fact because you also start connecting different facts together :D So actually, studying more will make you remember more!
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
Hmm, is excellent… but only after you know how to read the kanji :D It’s better for learning vocab than it is for learning kanji.
Yup, that’s the cause, happened to me once as well. E-mail Koichi :)
After joining fitocracy, I decided to run a marathon. Learning Japanese made me realize that working towards a specific goal is a strong motivator. Also, it gives you something to measure your progress against.I use this:
When I was learning kana I used this:’s cool because it is possible to change the size of a grid to match your preferences. I used to write much bigger characters before than I do now.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by