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I joined as well :)
In my opinion, learning a reading without learning vocab associated with that reading is a waste of time. And if you’re learning readings from vocab, it’s a waste of time to think weather what you just learned was onyomi or kunyomi. It’s even a waste of time to be concerned with things like: does 入口 breaks down to い + りぐち or いり+ ぐち or いりぐ+ち? When you learn enough vocab containing 入 and 口 you will know all that stuff anyway.
But then again, there are people who think learning radicals is a waste of time, and each kanji should be learned as a whole together with vocab. So, it’s all about which method you personally prefer.
January 16, 2012 at 10:26 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #24493Thank you very much! (^_^)b I’ll be back soon with more xD
January 15, 2012 at 10:51 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #24438Could be, because in the sentence “I hang my husband’s clothes on a clothesline” xD it was written in kanji.
そこには私一人しかいなかった。 What is しかいなかった?
彼女は青い目をしています。I’m confused by しています, but it’s common to use it this way, right?
January 15, 2012 at 5:44 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #24424Thank you Joel! (And welcome back.)
The verb “to take”, is it this one: 掛かる? I have troubles extracting verbs from sentences -.-
It’s a great idea, but I don’t think someone here would be willing to draw 2000 comics… But yes, an image makes things much easier to remember. I still remember a pic posted at ReviewingTheKanji for “arrival” kanji (到 = climax+saber radicals): xD
January 15, 2012 at 5:24 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #24419Can someone help me with this one: 手紙が届くのに三日かかりました。
I’m confused by のに and か part.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
I’m sorry, while answering I presumed that Ultimate Vocab deck contains all the same things as Ultimate Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs, just merged together. It seems it doesn’t? So, I have to admit I don’t quite understand the problem. Well, it doesn’t matter, since you solved the issues already.
1) If you are exporting one deck (e.g. Ultimate Adjectives) and importing it into a new one (Ultimate vocab) you should keep the schedule settings (there is a box to tick when you’re exporting deck). This way, if you had a card due in, let’s say, 2 months in your old deck, it should be due in 2 months in new deck as well.
2) It’s the same as 1) if I’m not missing something.
3) If you imported all cards in the new deck, I see no reason to keep the old deck.-
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by
What? O_o Is he really that bad in Japanese? I don’t believe it. Aren’t we all just students helping other students here? Give the guy some break.
Today I will start studying new material again. I did nothing but Anki reps for three weeks :(
Nope, that’s how it’s done. If I remember correctly, all new cards will have a tag (something like “Vocab 2-5″), so it’s easy to find them inside the deck.
Ssssshhhh, don’t ever say you are not into dinosaurs on TextFugu! :))
If you’re having a word-by-word translation then yes, English -> Japanese deck is perfectly fine. I wanted to write that in my first post, but I was too lazy to explain how-to and why-to butcher an English sentence. But you know how to do it, so great :)
But I’m curious now, why do you butcher Japanese sentences? What do you do with them?
I think just the opposite. Renaming radicals can’t in any way have influence on later stories, only on previous ones. Only if you decide to change radical name after you already made stories with old one, will you get in trouble. That’s why it’s important to choose the name of the radical wisely, and stick to it. But a name itself, it can be anything you want. Unicorn is as good as Triceratops (I think that was the TF name). Aside from Kanjidamage you can check Reviewing the Kanji for ideas.
In my experience, best suited for radicals are concrete objects and names of the famous people. Avoid names that are too broad or vague in meaning like “by one’s side”or “word”. If you want a radical that is about something always by your side, choose a “cellphone”, and a name of a person who speaks a lot for “word”. This way, if you want, you can retain the original idea of the radical while having something easy to remember for a radical name.
This reply was modified 13 years, 1 month ago by