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The new graph system for anki 2 is pretty cool. The amount of reviews I have done came as a big surprise… It also says I have spent over 200h reviewing lol
How many percent do you have correct? Not that it really matters in any way since people learn differently but I am curious ^^
I am bringing my ipad and just renting pocket wifi. I want to be able to look up stuff and get directions wherever I am :)
how can you have “studied for years” and not figure this out? 0.o
In that case I can sort of get why you would delete it. I just reviewed my core 2k par 1 deck, which had the cards 多分、米、左、道、一杯 due today. I won’t see any of them in 1.5-2.5 years since I have reviewed them so many times now… Deleting the deck wouldn’t really hurt since I see those words all the time so I guess you are right in what you are saying ;)
I wouldn’t delete my newer decks though.
This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by
I have no clue where the picture went lol
I just copy and past the definition, and find a good example sentences. Then add the word. Usually looks something like this
I think I would rather keep the decks I have now, since the reviews are like 0-10 a day. I need the reviews even though they are few ;)
“of course it’s not been updated, this is TextFugu amirite?! LOL”
Indeed ;P
Nothing big the past half year. I have been working on getting my reviews to below 100 a day since they were around 500 daily around the time I took the jlpt. After getting the reviews down I attempted starting core 6k, but the words in it are so useless, so I started adding words which I don’t understand from TV-shows, G+ etc to a monolingual deck which has paid off greatly. Other than that just the usual stuff, review and following akb ;)
I meant RTK as in remembering the kanji ;)
Also, I don’t see the point in picking from a list of words and kanji you want to learn since you will probably meet words you don’t know all the time. Just add these to your anki deck, and eventually you will have no more words to add ^^ It is more way more fun than doing a list, and you have an example sentence right away.
I think most people give up learning on/kun readings once they figure out that the rules regarding the usage of on/kun barely can be called rules. I suggest you give it a try to just learn vocab, and learn the kanji at the same time. You will start remembering which kanji have what sound when in compound words as soon as you know enough vocab, so I would say time is better spent on pure vocab study where you learn kanji along the way rather than pure kanji study.
That said, I recommend doing RTK initially to get an understanding of kanji. This will help you greatly in recognizing patterns etc – even if you stop reviewing.
nice sig
If I put a link to a download link will just be removed, so you will have to find it yourself.
Looking it up in J-J dictionaries, it seems like the meaning of the word is of things not being in order and unable to tell apart, which is indeed chaos. But it can also be used when something is not understood/known, for example the universe.
That said apparently it is used in the Japanese version of Dark souls as a translation for daughter of chaos, so it might be safe to use this word for you.
1/149 has to count as a few books with so much dialogue ;)
December 19, 2012 at 12:53 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #37532If you haven’t learned volitional, you should just wait understanding it until you learn it. (~よう).
As for your last question, it has something to do again with how formal you want to be, though there are times when you can only use 自分 and times where you can only refer to yourself in first person.
You can read more about the uses and differences here彼への犬だ
This reply was modified 12 years, 1 month ago by