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I can’t even remember which picture I wanted to post lol
Looks good doesn’t it? :3
According to a comment from matome all HKT members are in the game, which means 田中菜津美 has to be there, and she is only 11 lol. Too young to have G+, but can participate in this game, doesn’t make much sense lol.
so many members in the game :o
I want this, but I don’t want to waste money on a PSP :/
lol xD
Yes it has.
Watch out, as soon as you hear her voice you will become deaf.
Also, about the gif, wasn’t that PG rated? lol
I somehow think moderators will be a lot more busy now that we can freely post pics :p Is it possible to get a list of what isn’t allowed? I mean the gif was taken from a drama aired on Japanese television, but isn’t suited for the forum? 0.o
It’s kinda hard to abide the rules when they are so blurry, what one person views as PG isn’t what another person think is PG. Please clarify them or we won’t have any chance of following them.
gifs work as well :D
Mod note: Sorry, but that GIF is inappropriate for this forum. Please refrain from posting such images.
This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by
Video and Image EMBEDDING!!!!!!!!
0.o youtube embedding works now!?
what about pictures?
The build in j-j dictionary on my iPad has the word in it lol.
It also shows the exact same use in an example sentence.
I don’t watch them on youtube, but you you might be able to find episodes that aren’t removed yet, though the newest episodes tend to either not be uploaded or disappear very fast, so that is why I don’t put my trust in youtube or any other streaming site.
I have reached a level where I think I can safely say that I can understand what is going on, and a lot of dialogue. That said, I am not near reaching full comprehension yet(which would be quite insane to reach in 1 year lol).
For me it is the same as Missing, it is a mix of what you mentioned and also some techniques I found out help me but haven’t seen mentioned anywhere.
That said, I have don’t think I have ever watched any AKB show subtitled.AKBと××!
And more, but I think you get the idea ^^
A bunch of them are variety shows that I find hilarious, and even without an interest in AKB I am fairly sure a bunch of them are interesting (maybe avoid 「週刊AKB」 and 「AKB48 ネ申テレビ」). 「ガチガセ」 I usually find very entertaining, and it is probably the show I would recommend to people that don’t have and don’t want an interesting in AKB(though I can’t imagine anyone would feel that way)
But something like 「横山由依がはんなり巡る京都・美の音色」 is very interesting for also learning more about some parts of Japanese culture that I think most foreigners don’t know anything about. Sadly it only airs monthly, but it is worth the wait :D -
This reply was modified 12 years, 7 months ago by