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There was a post like 5 days ago on this exact thing. Try browsing through the forum, it has been explained a little while ago already :)
I just reinstalled my OS, and I accidentally found out that 握手会 is now a word in the newer versions of rikaichan.
Pretty cool how it is recognized widely enough to get its own entry :)My notes consist of nothing but Japanese sentences that contain interesting grammar/words(from TV-shows or other places)
今日で見方が180度変わったわッw etc
I took N4 this year as my first JLPT ^^
I bought “新しい「日本語能力試験」ガイドブック N4, N5″ to prepare for the test. Decent book, and it didn’t cost too much, but if you are only buying the book it might not be worth it. It is in all Japanese so you can only import it from Japan, but I bought it together with a CD so it wasn’t too bad :)Other than that – ofc the JLPT website is a great place to go for all questions you might have. It even has some (very short) sample questions.
From what I have found of interesting jobs that are actually things I would really like to work with, they require JLPT 2 or 1. Everything below doesn’t do, so you could argue it is a waste of money to apply for lower levels, but I think it is good to have something that you aim to achieve that isn’t just pass JLPT1, because that is many years out in the future. At least that is why I took N4 :)haha, he won’t be here for atleast 24h I think :P He is busy atm – and for once actually isn’t at his computer :’(
While everyone is waiting for Missing to turn up and post recommendations for AKB(which I will second) you should all watch NMB’s new PV
↑ lol can totally relate to that. I hate it when uploads are late >_<
I bought 真夏のsounds good & 西瓜baby through CDJapan
I was pleased with my order, and my delivery was fast but that was mostly down to me using fed ex international express :)4級
And no I am using Gatwick ^^
Love the time difference :D I won’t complain about having 1 more hour I london :PArmando:
BTW missing, what AKB48 centered variety shows do you watch/exist? I only watch Jidoushabu and AKBingo, but I’m sure I’m still missing out on a lot, 例えば This one where Itano tomomi vs. some EXILE member were playing a dancing game… seemed interesting. I’m really gonna try to get the best of my increasing interest in AKB48 >.>.From my ipad so this will be kept short
Akb to xx
Bimyo(will air soon)
Music JapanThere are way more but I don’t have time to to list them all ^^
The show with exile was Gachi gaze it was a very fun episode except for the fact that exile won with 1 point lol
This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by
JLPT on Sunday, traveling tomorrow to London!! If the other Mark even reads this – sadly I won’t have much time after the test till I have to leave for the airport, but I hope we can actually meet up ^^;
If anyone else taking it this time around, GL!
People who actually managed to pull through RTK and have guts to keep up reviewing generally agree that it was worth the time.
People that didn’t manage to do it, gave up halfway, or slacked off with reviews generally think it is a bad idea, and it ain’t worth the time.
Isn’t it easy to see that it will most likely only be beneficial if you actually have enough time, and are devoted enough to complete it fully, and keep reviewing?
I mean this argument could go on lol. We will never agree, and we shouldn’t because you can’t both have done RTK and not have done RTK, so how can we not be biased??? lol
I will remain neutral and say it has benefited me in some ways, but in other ways maybe has taken a little too much time. But I tweaked the program heavily, and did it in my own way, so I actually can’t comment on RTK, but rather my own method of doing RTK. Didn’t read about it anywhere, just came up with it like 600 kanji in.I had thought there would be way more trolls after reading the title, but I suppose matome removes them ^^. How long did it take for you to load it with you current internet? lol
Milky gif was pretty hilarious, and some great pictures. :DJune 27, 2012 at 11:14 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #32370It is grammar. You won’t learn it till later. Look for an explanation of ~て-form and you will find what you are looking for.
I don’t think you need to understand any Japanese to watch akbingo and enjoy it. But if you want something to measure yourself after, then here are notes I took a few months back in order to make new cards, and understanding what was going on. -
This reply was modified 12 years, 8 months ago by