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Depending on the situation, I would say either of these two, though I don’t if either are natural
このようなこと(それ)を起きるのを黙らなくて見ていてくださいそれを起きさせなくてください (can only be used if it is a person doing the action)
I am sure Missing will accept the money gladly lol
Yeah I am sure you will spend them well… At least Akimoto will be pleased :P
@ pencil
I am pretty sure you could say both these sentences
Since I only told quite briefly about my own story, here is the full one. (by the way I think these are pretty fun to read)
At the start of my summer vacation last year, I was really bored. I was really in to gaming, and mostly MMOs(hardcore PvP 25h+ a week) together with my guild. But after joining RIFT, and figuring that it was a massive fail, we decided to quit, and wait for a new and better MMO. We were looking at games like SWTOR, GW2 and TERA, and initially couldn’t decide on a good one. Since TERA was already released in Korea, some of my guild mates bought a Korean account, to try the game. I joined them, and we played a game where we understood absolutely none. Pretty fun stuff actually, though as some people might know Korean MMOs are a bit of a grind… After having played TERA and thinking that maybe this was the next thing, I did not have much to do aside from stalking our forums.
On our forums we had this thread:
Since I did like TERA and it was Korean, I though hey, maybe I could check this thread out, and see what is going on. At first I couldn’t really understand how some people could have spent over 1 month of their life only watching anime, but since I hadn’t watched any myself I thought that it was wrong to judge. So I asked for advice on something to watch, which ended up in me watching the entire Death Note in 2 days… Of course my guild mates were very hardcore anime fans, just take a look at their watch lists, 6000 episodes watch, I mean how the? I thought this behavior was the norm among anime fans, so I just went ahead and took their advice.
After sort of joining the anime cult of my guild, I started to speak to them about anime.
look at the 5th page of the forum to see me announce:
Watched my first anime series, does that make me part of the club? xD
After this, one of my Danish guild members convinced me to watch a series called Clannad(lol just look at page 6).
Anyway, I watched all 48 episodes in 2 days, and omg was it the saddest thing I have ever watched 0.o After watching this series, it was clear to me that I liked anime, and I continued watching a bunch of series.
This is how it ended:
At some point in the middle of all this anime watching and boredom, I decided to look in to Japanese culture. I think this was triggered by not understanding some aspects of anime, and me wanting to know what was going on, but I can’t remember. It all lead to me searching info about Japanese culture for 2-4 days, where I did nothing else. I can’t understand how I could read so many Wikipedia articles a day, but I do remember it as being very interesting. This also led to my discovery of Danny Choo, where I also read a lot of posts. In an article, he linked to the article about how he discovered Japan, and how he learned Japanese etc.. After reading this, it was sort of stuck in my head, that maybe I should just learn Japanese. I couldn’t decide if it was worth the effort, so I decided to not just do it until I knew I wanted to stick to it. To determine this, I went ahead and started searching even more info about Japanese culture. After a few weeks of serious consideration if I wanted to commit my time to learn a language, I thought that hey, why the heck not? So I found TextFugu, did the initial trial things, and then did some insanely slow progress. I then realized, that nothing good would happen if I continued to stay together with all the no-lifers in my guild(including me :b) , and I thought that maybe if I spent the time learning a language instead of playing games, I could benefit from it. So I went ahead and quit my guild, even though I had a lot of fun with all the members
After this I pretty much started my career in learning Japanese. I think it is pretty fun that the thread from my old guild is public, so I can still view it ^^ It serves as a log from my initial interest in Japanese :P Looking through the entire thread was hilarious for me, and I think I will have to go back and watch clannad again.
Sorry if it is long, but this is the full story. (sorry for mistakes, this is too long for me to bother re-reading)-
This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
In this case I do actually think he “premium service” is inferior. Sure it has some nice statistics, but aside from that it doesn’t really have anything going for it – at least not of things that I like. I thought it was great at first, and I still have like 4 months left of my membership, so it is not that I care about the cost. I just find the custom decks fit my needs much better. But then again this is solely personal preference. I don’t need 9+ cards for 1 word – 5 is fine. What I do need, is the better listening training ^^
I do still do some the brainspeed every once in a while, but that feature is free, so my sub is pretty useless at the moment :(yes, I confused Minegishi Minami for Itano Tomomi
Made me laugh pretty hard :b
While this wasn’t as well written as the newschoolkaidan article thing, I still think it was pretty good, and definitely worth the time. Thanks for taking your time to write such a long thing, it must have taken ages!
Also thanks for reminding me of the lucky star intro :P
My way of discovering Japanese was at first through anime as well, but then I moved on to searching info on Japanese culture, with tons of wikipedia articles read about all kinds of aspects of the culture, and then on to reading a lot of articles from Danny Choo. I don’t know why, but I just got totally stuck in, and spend a few days just reading, and watching things about Japan… I remember what was most intriguing was the work culture, because I didn’t understand it at all, and because it was so different. So yeah, I am more in it because of the Japanese culture, but it wouldn’t have surprised me if I had got interest through AKB like you did^^
While not the hardcore idol fan myself, I can understand how irritating it can be that everyone gets the impression that you are in it only because of the girls. But I guess you will have to keep putting up with that↓In the west it’s actually hard to imagine a dude who makes a hobby of watching cute girls without the, “Bro, I would totally bang that chick” mentality.
↑This quote is just perfect to describe why it is happening.
Also I do feel that I have to add that, you will most likely have to watch a lot of AKB stuff, to even get an idea why and how this fandom can even occur. I however feel that Missing’s previous link does explain it as best as it can, when just being text.
This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by
You are still right about anki being the better SRS, and that combined with the fact that there are fewer cards per word(I think cores website is slight overkill, and some of the card styles I don’t really like) + there are cards with the entire sentence(audio and kanji) makes me prefer the custom anki decks. I do want listening practice with entire sentences, and that is the custom anki deck much better at :). I do agree that the core website & core decks are pretty good for learning vocab ^^ It is nice to see everything in context.
New oshi?
I didn’t know any AKB members spoke English, came as a big surprise lol 0.o Guess you are hoping she gets in to one of the teams? :PMac ain’t virus free – sadly
From just 6 days ago:“People used to say that Apple computers, unlike Windows PCs, can’t ever be infected — but it’s a myth,” Timur Tsoriev, an analyst at the Kaspersky Lab in Russia, told the BBC.
Too expensive compared to what hardware you can get for the same price. Cut like 30% of the price, and you would get the same hardware :S It does come with some other benefits though, but personally I don’t think the extra cost is worth the money.
April 13, 2012 at 2:00 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #29317I ran across the same problem a few months back, and this is how I see them now:
The difference between the two, is that 勉強 is used for studying something, and 研究 is used for researching something. So 研究 can easily be used to say you are learning something, but it would in fact mean that you are researching something, while 勉強 is more like the English word to study.
That being the case,
日本語を研究します would mean that you are researching Japanese
日本語を勉強します would mean that you are studying Japanese
Hope it helps, but please bear in mind that this is not always the case ^^ -
This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by