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I think that thread is perfect.明けましておめでとうございます。
I don’t know how far you are in the book, but I should hit 1000 by today, and I can tell a difference compared to before when I hadn’t done the book. I recognize a ton of kanji, and because I have already done hiragana vocab there are some kanji that I can just associate with a kanji right a way, without learning what hiragana to attach since there isn’t any. This is only with nouns though 車、猫、魚、男 etc.
Also is a great resource for stories – but you most likely already know that one :P Heisig sucks at stories, so I would recommend to take a look at the community’s stories right from the beginning.
Adding stories to the front of your cards will also make it way less frustrating when reviewing. Read page 43 if you doubt it is alright :P-
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
Guess you are right, but I was just about to write the exact same thing in English so I decided to just go ahead and copy pasta my journal from earlier, saving me some work in the progress(though not much to be honest). I know you always read my entries(for the lolz) so I had expected you commenting on it, and so you did haha.
If you shouldn’t use Japanese when you know little, when do you consider it being appropriate?… Also you can’t call this using Japanese, it is just taking sentences I have written earlier, get them corrected, add some new stuff and then post them ;P-
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
RTK won’t pay off until later on, so of course you will easily be able to tell the difference in progression from doing vocab study to doing RTK. What RTK accomplishes is to set you at an equal footing with other Asian students familiar with the kanji, their writing and their meaning. To reach fluency a students with kanji knowledge(e.g. Asian students) have to use 1800~2300 hours
While other students(no prior kanji knowledge) have to use 3100~4500 hoursRTK doesn’t take 800-2700h to complete, so it will be worth it in the long run. However it won’t benefit you right now, and I feel the same way being tempted to study vocab or grammar. ^^
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
:( < for those wanting an explanation.
That is from where I found out about it, and I am 100% against it…
Seriously WTF America??…So 2011 is almost done, and I guess I am not the only one who set some concrete goals to reach before the end of the year :D
So yeah. 100 words a week didn’t work out for long, only 5 weeks or so and after that the reviews just became too much to add new words…
Also I figured that I should start RTK or at least do something to expand my kanji knowledge, because what good is it to learn a word if you only know it in hiragana?? :P
So I started RTK, which is working out great this far, I think I should be done by around 40-50 days :D I know some people like to do nothing but RTK, but I still have reviews from all stuff I did previously and I like to add some new grammar and a few words just to keep my brain in shape.
100 words a week = failed
1 kanji a day -> started RTK insteadGoals completed:
Use lang-8 more – with over 1/3 of my total posts being from December I think I can safely say I have had a nice increase in amount and in length of each entry
TextFugu done – pretty easy stuff I have been done for almost a month
Find proper materials – RTK, Japanese sentence patterns[...], Tae Kim – Yep things are covered nicely :DNew goals for the next year:
- Finish RTK before end of February
- Increase immersion
- Keep up the current speed of learning ^^Good luck to everyone else, hope you reached the concrete goals you have set for yourself this year!
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
Merry Christmas to you as well – and to everyone else!
You should also post your email while you are at it ^^
If you have learned hiragana the correct pronunciation should be pretty easy to figure out for you…
Again xD This time is the 3rd time? :O
@ Yggbert
That is exactly what I am doing
I found that doing Read the kanji I learned the vocab from English-> japanese, but since the English was provided I never really got the kanji down :( So I figure that if I learn the kanji first and then learn the vocab it will be much easier ^^One bad thing though… It is a pain to go through :(
1h on new frames every day
1h review
Very time consuming!December 21, 2011 at 2:53 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22787lol :D
December 21, 2011 at 1:33 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22779I don’t recognize it :(
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by