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No surprise that you are enjoying yourself with AKB games :P
Go Go Nippon looks fine, and could be really good for learning more spoken language (if you pay attention to the actual conversation in Japanese). Might download it, and see if it is worth buying ^^ARG RAGE!
well I totally agree… no embedding sucks – fix it.
nowMusic is one of the most subjective things in the world. It is rare to find someone who shares your taste, and that is why I think most people won’t bother checking other peoples links :P
December 19, 2011 at 7:42 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22712一人 ひとり
二人 ふたり
三人 さんにん
四人 よにんBasically the thing is that you use にん when it is past 2(though I don’t know for sure in higher numbers)
And no it is not called ななり it is called ななにん-
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
Finally someone bumped this! I went through 6 pages on the forum and just gave up finding it…
New youtube layout = new playlist for top songs in Japan
Try to take a peek, some of it is truly something you will only find in Japan冬休みは12月21日から1月4日まである ( ̄ー ̄)
I never have exams in the winter ^^ So can’t say things have been tough. I will spend my entire winter holiday studying RTK, if I do 100 a day it will take less than 2 weeks :D Once done with RTK I need to find somewhere else to expand on my kanji knowledge, but I am looking forward to being able to tell the meaning of every common use kanji :)
TextFugu is done, so now I am stuck having to choose between doing textbooks or not. For now I have a few books on PDF, so I should figure out if it is something I want to do :DCongrats to everyone who finished their exams this year!
@Missing Well next year you know you will pass at least one class :PI did all kanji and all kanji voacb currently available here on TextFugu, and it is a great way to learn since you actually learn most of the vocab associated with the kanji, so you can actually say you know the kanji as opposed to only knowing the English meaning from RTK.
I am not 500 kanji in to RTK, and I like that method as well ^^ But yeah as the others said whatever works for you – there are so many methods and the best to do is to find the one which suits you.I guess you did RTK1?
In that case just get yourself a smartphone and do reviews on it :)
猫マナー猫マナー猫マナー猫マナー猫マナー猫マナーMIND FUCK! 0.0
Pretty cool trick there Mister ^^Well if it offends anyone then please remove it, I can’t edit(stupid forums) or delete it myself, so you will have to find someone able to do so.
And Mister your post was hilarious, though I think your group would be more popular with even more members! :PFound this while correcting on lang-8 ^^
[Pic removed per request]-You friendly neighborhood Hashi
December 11, 2011 at 12:25 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22372@ Elenkis
Ahhh, thanks! Pretty simple explanation, I had forgotten that で could only mark a location of an action or event :)What Missing said :P
December 11, 2011 at 6:11 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #22357There is a very easy example sentence given in lesson 4 in season 6 that goes:
いえ には 子犬 が いる。
At home (I) have a puppy.Which is more correct には or では?
To me both particles seem right to be using here, but I am not well versed in these 2 particles so I don’t know for sure. If anyone could tell me which one is correct(and why) I would appreciate it :D-
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by
This reply was modified 13 years, 2 months ago by