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I try to put out 1-2 lessons and 10-20 kanji per week, plus a few other little thingsLarisa, this has nothing to do about quality. It is about content updates.
Do you think 20$/month is it with the current update speed?“Constant updates, changes, features, and more. There’s a lot on TextFugu right now, but there’s going to be more a year, month, or even day from now.” – TextFugu
Yet another lang-8
This time practicing the different uses of the と particel for the first time>Japanese isn’t even Koichi’s native language, it’s easy to look in from the outside and criticise, but could some of you pump out English lessons frequently.
Nope but I am not claiming to be able to do so, and I am not taking money for it. -. here you will be able to read:
Updates Galore
Constant updates, changes, features, and more. There’s a lot on TextFugu right now, but there’s going to be more a year, month, or even day from now.
>I usually come in and get all aggressive, then Koichi or Hashi come in and try to apologise, and then everyone’s all like “Oh hey, thanks, that’s fine, just sit and not update the site all day, put your feet up and play Starcraft, go ahead”
happening now as foreseen :P
yep it refunds
Mark W suits me fine ^^
But yes I agree Mark! It is getting rather confusing!>I guess that means TextFugu is working towards ‘intermediate’ eh? Officially, right? ;)
exactly, finally you seem to get my point ^^Yes it is subjective, but I will repeat myself; JLPT3 is the official test to complete in order to be at the official intermediate level. From the context i originally said this in I was arguing that this site was not aimed at intermediate learners. And seeing as how you officially label intermediate Japanese is from the JLPT3, I was trying to express that since TextFugu doesn’t claim to make you reach intermediate it doesn’t have to be on JLPT3 level. Intermediate is something that can’t be defined, I agree, but when it comes down to this argument, the only thing Koichi(and everyone else) will be able to measure proficiency by is the JLPT.
If it doesn’t claim to let you reach intermediate level it doesn’t really help to say “oh hey I define intermediate by learning 3 words, and therefor TextFugu is now done”. You have to use the official way of measuring, and that is why I am referring to JLPT3 as the intermediate level.
You still disagree that the official way to measure proficiency by, is using the JLPT, and that number 3 is the official test to complete if you want to be an official intermediate?
If so, I am not going to waste more time arguing about something that silly – read the context ^^-
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
Doesn’t change the fact that it is the official measurement for your Japanese proficiency. Notice how I said “officially”
>Also, keep in mind that the site was never intended (or advertised) as being for intermediate to advanced students.
“officially” it is once you reach JLPT3 that you can call yourself intermediate and this this site is no where near covering the vocab/kanji/grammar for that. That is why I still expect updates(as advertised). Also I don’t see why season 1-3 is getting so much attention when clearly season 5 and 6 are bugged as hell. Why don’t you fix these season instead of wasting time improving what is already working? Take a look at the worksheet i linked to(naru.pdf in season 5) Look through it yourself and see what kind of material season 5-6 has. Even in the English part there are mistakes “what does you want to be?”. And instead of fixing things like this, season 1-3(which works perfectly fine) is getting updates. Why?
Fix what isn’t working.
Stop updating what is working.The thing is that about a moth ago (maybe longer) the 3 seasons were split in to 3 seasons instead. This caused soooooo many bugs, and this change seems unnecessary. As you point out yourself tracking down a bug can be hard, but changing everything up just to make a cosmetic change has done a lot of bad things. In season 5 almost all links to pages withing the seasons are bugged and will bring you to a lesson from season 3 instead of season 5. Files can’t be downloaded from the season lessons menu, and you need to access it through the lesson.
All this is getting fixed, but it seems like a total waste of time to rearrange the seasons. It worked just fine, so I see no reason to change everything up just to cause new bugs to appear. Why would you do that? I think it is everyones interest to get improved & new study material as supposed to getting a new layout. All this time could have been spent on new materials…
Also all the early seasons seems to be getting an update with sentence decks, while as pointed out here the users of the later seasons are stuck with study material full of bugs, typos and just plain mistakes.
Most of it might be fixed once you get to this stage, but as of now I have just given up reporting bugs because I see them all over. Sometimes audio doesn’t work, mistakes with the Japanese, typos, links not working, lack of updates and so on. Maybe if Koichi started to release a static of how much I have actually donated by reporting mistakes I would want to report them, but the motivation with “donating” doesn’t work when you never see how much they donate(if they donate any).
Fix the later seasons. Stop fixing what already works.
Please -
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by