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protip: keep decks inside dropbox <3
I suppose you want to write delicious which is おいしい not おおしい
You are going to buy a person in the library? だれ = who – I translate your sentence to; who will you buy in/at the library… Seems a little odd to me?Dictionary negative verb conjugation ^^
I see it now!
たい is andい-adjective
たい -> たかった
たかった+ら -> たかったらwhy didn’t I realise that earlier xD
Still find conjugation pretty hard, but finally completed あ-form, so now I just have to practice ^^
Thanks a lot青い栞 ・ ガリレオガリレイ
Seems like Sony has removed it from youtube so there only are shitty versions: 20, 2011 at 2:52 am in reply to: If there was one thing that you could change about yourself, what would it be? #21029Nice question :)
HmmmmmI would like if I didn’t have the need for sleeping 7h each day. Sleeping 4h each day would be awesome!
Actually I was wanted to write @Mister but for some reason I wrote @Missing xD
Not trying to blame Koichi for anything, I just found it a little bit weird that using this sentence made me have a correction :Pビーフを食べたら今食べたらどうですか -> Seems like the natives don’t understand it either so I will just stop using it :) But it is from there I got it….
Nice entry you made Missing, such a long wall of text.
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” – Marilyn Vos Savant
A little quote I found while doing a lesson, thought it was perfect here :D
Keeping up with your reviews will make you not forgot, so that is totally worth it if you can overcome it. If you have worked enough Japanese in to your daily routine you should still be seeing it a lot :)
If you continue with your reviews I wouldn’t call it quitting :D You are just taking a short break, so you can get your daily reviews down to a low amount :)
Who knows, maybe once you reach 100 reviews daily you might find the time to do more studying :)Go earlier to bed
Have less time each day, but be able to spend the time studying since you aren’t tiredTake a nap after you get home
StudyThere is a way if you truly want to. Imagine all these hours spend going lost, wouldn’t that suck?
@missing: 助けてくれてありがとう :)
Seems like it is mostly my choise of words which is wrong at the moment, but there isn’t much I can do about that other than keep expanding vocab.
この ゲーム は たかすぎた
This game was too expensive
I swapped game with another word, and was told it was wrong…?After my lang-8 post I have started negative & past negative (casual) lesson, added groups to ultimate noun, adj and verbs as well as tried
I think it is decent this far :)I wish I had start a few years a go before college, the 100days of playtime I had in WoW would have been more well spent learning Japanese, though it was actually through gaming I got involved with Japanese culture for the first time…
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
Just wake up half an hour earlier and do it the first thing in the day?
Work it in to your daily routine? Change everything in to Japanese? Of course I am not in your situation, but as I see it there is always a way if you have the will.
Either way, sad that you have to stop, but of course school should be n1 priority :/
GLFinally got around to make the lang-8 entry: here is the link
Have a good laugh if you are better than me, or learn from my mistakes instead of making your own! -
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by