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lol xD
Looking so much forward to it? :P-
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
Thanks :) I need to get used to being able to understand so much from the context in Japanese… That is so different from English & Danish :)
Finished “too much” lesson today, which finally introduced で :D
At the moment I have 300-500 cards review every day, and it is only increasing so I will have to slow down a bit, because I don’t have 1h to do anki every day :/ 1 lesson = 40 new words, 10 kanji -_- takes some time to get it stuck in your head!
Planning on doing a lang-8 entry tomorrow to try using some of the grammar I have learned over the 2 last lessons – will link it here if i decide to.Haha,
If you make no mistakes you won’t be learning :P
Doesn’t change the fact that I hate to make mistakes, but at the level I am at atm, I pretty much always make some kind of mistake… So annoying! Well I will be looking forward to the day where I can look back at my lang-8 and have a laugh, but as for now I will leave that to you guys :)
Thanks for the advice Mister.
Does this make sense then:
日本にいきたかったら今いったらどうですか?As for 勉強, I didn’t know about “suru verbs” at the time, so that is why I fucked that up so badly :P
I will link future entries here, seems like you could have some fun with it, so no reason not to :PArg! so tired of being a beginner!
I will take on thing at a time, and even though some books I ordered will arrive this week, I will complete TextFugu first before I move over to something else(for grammar). Still at waaaaaay beginner level, but hopefully I will reach で&と chapters by the end of this month :P
As for today, I got an overview of how many kanji I know from JLPT5, and actually I only need to learn 36 kanji in 6 months (lol xD) in order to know the kanji for it. Will however aim for JLPT4 instead, but I am still considering taking JLPT5 this summer. Also did reviews, and a little bit of writing more sentences using a new sentence pattern I learned
should make sense if my logic is right :)I think I will finish with 5 stroke here on TextFugu, I only need 1 group more :P
I have however taken a look at the free PDF, and I don’t know if it is me :/ It would be awesome to actually know all kanji and what they mean, but RTK only teaches the meaning and nothing else. It could be a great thing to start to immerse more, so that I will see kanji that I know what mean, insted of just skipping through everything I have no clue what means :) I will give it a try after finishing 5 stroke here! Who knows, maybe I will like it?
As for books, I ordered The book recommended by Missing, as well as 1 other, though it will take some time to get them delivered from amazone UK :P I should however be receiving them this week :)
But I think I will go ahead and do JLPT5 & JLPT4 :D It will be a good thing to steer after, and give me motivation. The cost dosen’t bother me, and it is only 1h travel from where I live, so it is pretty easy to get there :) Copenhagen <3
Thanks for the advise everyone!1: ogre; demon;
2: spirit of a deceased person;
3: ogre-like person (i.e. fierce, relentless, merciless, etc.);
4: it (i.e. in a game of tag) the chapter about “if”
Did 10 more kanji
completed ultimate nouns
added 1 group to ultimate verbs & adjectivesHaha
Correct me all you want irmoony, I never look through what I have written, and even though I know that it shouldn’t be it’s but its, my fingers still decided to put it in there :P
Thanks for making me aware thoughCatching up with kanji and ultimate decks… I forgot to add 2 groups to all decks due to the text telling me to do it was placed in a pretty odd spot, so now I am doing 40 words every 3rd day.
By sunday I can go back to lessons!
I had 600 cards for review today -_- 1h spend on reviewing… Trying to cram a lot of words has it’s downsides.
Might get around to do a lang-8 entry, don’t know for sure yet.I have added 1 group to all ultimate decks, learned 20 kanji and finished another lesson :D
And posted on lang-8 :)-
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by
Thanks for all the advice :)
Seems like there are a lot of different routes to be taking from here. I don’t know what to choose yet, but I think RTK is next since I want to understand kanji… I hate reading through things, and just having to skip every single kanji which is more than 5 stroke -_-
Book or not, I don’t really know what I prefer, I will have to look more in to the things you have suggested :)
The more suggestions the better, everyone learn different ways, so chances are higher that I find what suits me.
Thanks for the advice!I have never used timeboxing… It just dosen’t work for me.
What I do insted is I study half my anki cards once I get home, and then study a few more throughout the day. I am always done with reviewing and studying at 22pm, so that I have some time for leisure, and make sure that I am done with my anki decks before I get tired :DStarfugu reminds me of Clannad lol :D
lol xD already beaten :P
I won’t bother training to beat the time though :PI have changed much around in Anki, and I feel that the default settings fit my needs.
A few things I have change are as follows:
-Increase leech limit to 99. I don’t want to get my cards leeched, the ultimate decks are the 300 or whatever most used words, I surely want to know them all-Set infinite new cards/day on new decks, and then insted of going through a set amount of cards a day, I will use a set amount of time.
-The decks I make myself(from lang-8 comments) include both Japanese-> English, and English-> Japanese, though English->Japanese is the best on to go for, if you only want one :)
A final note:
Do ALL reviews every day!
reviews>learning new stuff -
This reply was modified 13 years, 3 months ago by