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Haha awesome Mister :D
I guess not get speaking practise is one of the downside of being a self learner, but learning together with people better than you is a big motivation because you want to become just as good as them(maybe it is just because I am very competetive, but works for me :D). I think you should try to stay with the intermediate class if you are able to take part of the class. Going to a class that is too easy for you seems dumb to me :/Good luck :D
couldn’t agree more Mister :)
Love the new layout of the page and seasons, good ideas with more reviews! :)
Don’t like the new kanji setup… Too much scrolling to get down to the kanji I need… And much harder to find the kanji that you need :/-
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
Went to bed after doing some lessons in season 2, and when now I am in season 4 0.o – Being halfway through total ammount of lessons feel awesome, and thinking back just 1½ month from now I can see that I have done alot of progress :)
Did 10 kanji today, loads of reviewing, and 2 lessons :DAnd congrats with the book! Good idea to be reading books for children, I am might be tempted to do that once my vocab expands :)
I got a lesson down today(0.o verbs) and 5 kanji.
I finally got around to upgrading everything to the new decks so it is much easier to keep track of :D The new decks also have some nice features like asking about which radicals are in the kanji
Anyway, this is what came out of it cards reviewed in 1.15h
Did it take just as long time for you guys?September 16, 2011 at 7:57 am in reply to: How do you balance School Work and Learning Japanese? o.O #17376Plan ahead
cut down on leisure time
Possibly get a new sleep patern to sleep less overall
Study little every day, and not a huge ammount. As long as you are making progress you will make your goal
When studying make sure you do not get distracted(facebook & so on)
Be more efficient when studying so you have more time overallThat is what I can come up with for now :) I am in the same situation, and following the tips that TextFugu has provided has helped me making alot of time that I can dedicate to more Japanese and some extra leisure time :)
Look ahead in the seasons for more TextFugu advice1) Which type of story impacts you the most emotionally? (E.g Tragedy, Comedy*in the modern sense*, Action, fighting, rags-to-ritches etc)
Drama; Clannad to be specific…2) Define a “good” plot (Subjective, all your opinion belong to us!)
realistic story set in a realistic world, where there is no magic/mech or all that stuff… other than that; boobs are always great :D :D3) Give an example in a Anime/show where a good plot was ruined by something. What ruined it and what could have saved it?
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) had 6(or so) episodes in a row that were all the same. not just alike, but exactly the same. The point was to show that they got stuck in time. It didn’t ruin the show entirely because I could just skip them, but I didn’t like it.
How to improve it: have 2 episodes with the same story insted of 6- other than that awesome anime – 1st season was best.
4) From both fanboy/fangirl perspective, what type of character is the most easy to identify with, and what type of character is the most admirable/badass/want to be him/omfg you own/utter boss?
Generaly I have a hard time identifying myself with Anime characters due to not having the same culture :(5) Is it better that a character is not completely powerful, and has many flaws?
If the main character never did anything wrong, what would the fun be?6) Do you prefer a story revolving around a solo quest or a group quest?
group quest – though kino’s journy was good :)Music section, as with the previous bit try to give as many examples of songs/pieces/bands as possible, preferably with a YouTube link.
1) #1 fight/boss music?
from amnesia though :D2) When watching a show do you prefer ambient music over silence? Would you prefer a soundtrack while reading a book?
I prefer listening to music, since silence can get a little too akward.. :P3) To what degree will a soundtrack make or break a series for you? Examplessss
Won’t do much to me really… if the series is good then it dosen’t matter about the soundtrack, but a good soundtrack can really enhance an already great experience4) How much impact does a good soundtrack have on you emotionally? (Subjective, all your opinion belong blah blah) Examplessss
I think everyone who has watched entire Clannad will agree with me on this one:
Soundtracks can have a very large impact on me emotionally. I still remember crying:( while watching Clannad due to it being so sad. I get this same empty feeling when I listen to the soundtracks once again, and I must say to everyone who hasn’t watch it – DO IT! It will change the way you see on a lot of things.Tracks that impact me emotionally:
Impacts me a lot emotionally… Still amazing songs.5) Do you prefer a series to constantly use different types of music, or do you prefer some quiet times?
Same soundtrack, I like to assosiate the music with the series when listening to it after.wall of text lol xD
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
1. Are mini-lessons useful to you or no (please be honest!)?
They are usefull to me if they are about something that I have already learned(eg. the recent の one)2. Do you read the mini-lesson posts (please be honest!)?
Yes I always check if I can answer them3. Are they too hard? Too easy to be useful?
The questions difficulty depends on the subject, and if it is Q number 1 or 7. I think the level is fine, but I can rarely get the last Q right.4. Should I do these less frequently?
1-2 per week seems fine to me, 1 per day might be a little too much.5. Is certain content better for mini lessons in your opinion? What’s the best kind of mini-lesson content? What’s the worst?
I would prefer Japanese from newer movies/radio or w/e. As long as it is things where the grammar is correct, and there isn’t too much slang6. Are you just waiting for others to respond to see the answers? Are you answering on your own but not posting up?
Posting when I get time/see the thread has gone up.@Missing: For me your mini lesson was way too hard :/
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
You should go for some podcasts as well :) just have it running in the background while you are doing other stuff – even though you are not focusing on listening and can’t understand much then you will still pick pronounciation and other things up :D
1) MisterMさんの猿です。
a. it is MisterM’s monkey
2) ソニーの田中さんです。
a. Tanaka of Sony
b. someone else is saying it. Only little children use 3rd person to refer to themselves
3) 面白いのを買った
a. I want to buy an interesting ??? (not quite sure on this one)
4) 買ったのを使った
a. I used what I bought
b. I suppose の refers to the item
5) Missingさんのが欲しい。。。
a. I want Missing’s(emphasis on Missing)
b. Missing -> Missing’s. indicates posetion?
6) 漢字を習うのは難しいです。
a. Kanji is diffcult to learn
7) Winterさんが寿司を食べるのを見た
a. I saw you eating sushi Winter
b. ?
8) どうして食べているの?a. Why are you eating sushi?
b. ?
c. ?
Thanks for waiting xD
These are still pretty hard, but after getting some of the particels down it has gotten easier :)-
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by
Open your deck
go to settings
click deck properties
go to advanced tab
Write 99 in the leech tresholdsolved :)
Welcome Curtis :)
If you are still looking for more info on Japan, then I can recommend a wiki articel that has a nice list of documentaries :) but I don’t know anything about Mac :/
Enjoy studying!
Facebook is selling all of your data lol xD There is no thing such as privacy on facebook. You can never delete anything, and Facebook is more than happy to sell your data… Also your profile picture can always be viewed by anyone :p
I guess it is just nay novel that is turned into a movie/anime?
dunno for sure.This is safer than posting a picture of yourself on facebook :p
I will post my picture soon, thanks for bumping this :)
This reply was modified 13 years, 5 months ago by