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  • in reply to: today I learned #16838

    Today I learned katakana!
    2000 kanji to go :/

    in reply to: Kanji 1-2 Anki download links not working. #16816

    Had the same problem with kanji 3 stroke :(
    You should send him an email for a faster response

    in reply to: Plz help me change my profile picture. #16802
    in reply to: Hello Everyone :) #16685

    Welcome to TextFugu, it seems like a very solid motivation that you have. Living in Japan you will have to learn Japanese, so I doubt that you will burn out.

    Laughed at the milk part :D

    Good luck @ TextFugu

    ps. You are lucky living in Japan :P (I am a litle envious)

    I will do the ones that I can :P

    4. なんで~? = why? :P

    6. never knew なんですか could be shortened that much :P

    I might check back on this once I know some more Japanese :)

    in reply to: Done with S1 :D #16683

    Thanks for all the congratulations/luck wishes :)
    I took a look at lang-8, and I really like the concept, but I will need to learn a little more Japanese before using that :) Another good motivator for learning more! :D

    Also; good luck to everyone else!

    in reply to: Typing method. #16583

    I type in romaji and then convert to kana. If I wanted to use the kana keyboard, then I would probably just buy a Japanese keyboard(using stickers sound really hard :p) :)

    in reply to: Greetings #16443

    Welcome Jack
    Good luck here on textfugu

    in reply to: How do you keep up your Japanese? #16439

    @Raven, Yes that is the one :P

    in reply to: How do you keep up your Japanese? #16415

    I write down when I want to be done with something, and which days I should spend studying, and which ones where I should just be going through anki. It is getting though due to college homework, but it is going fine this far.

    One of my big motivators are blogs from people who live in Japan. It makes me want to study, and I can see what I will achive by studying :)
    The other day I watched an episode of a series called clannad, where I all of a sudden understood parts of the conversation. When I can see things that aren’t from textfugu, and I can understand them, then I feel that I have achived something, and that is my biggest motivator :)

    As far as I remember, this was what happened:
    One person was telling another person that drawing the charater:人 would make you have luck, but he was drawing the charater: 入
    So basic, but still I could understand the kanji ;D

    Anything Japan related = motivation for me :)
    Some blogs I enjoy:
    Danny choo
    Japan times (news)

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #16413

    Already knowing hiragana and katakana will save you from alot of work :)

    Welcome to TextFugu, and good luck with your studies

    in reply to: Someone explain anime and manga #16351

    The Japanese anime&manga cater more to adaults than the western comics. In Japan it is not uncommon for adaults to watch anime/read manga, so they have adjusted the material to the audience.

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the big day! #16273

    Learning Japanese here in Denmark for 1 year(most basic level) will teach you this:

    Reading, reading alloud, pronouncing right
    250 kanji
    The most central grammar.

    That seems to be a bit more than the 23 you will be learning… :O

    in reply to: Привет всем #16249

    Welcome Vladimir, good luck with your studies :)

    in reply to: JLPT - #16248

    Read Danny Choo’s blog post as well, and that was where I got the idea of setting goals being to complete the JLPT.
    But after doing some research about the JPLT I have found out that TextFugu won’t be enough to complete any test, which is only because of the kanji :)
    After realising this, I have set a goal to complete TextFugu by the end of the year, and after that we will have to see what happens.
    Thanks for all the answers :)

Viewing 15 posts - 826 through 840 (of 859 total)