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I can eat food / I can eat the food
私は食べ物食べることができます/ 私は食べ物を食べることができますWelcome Brandon :)
I think it will take a very long time before you will be able to understand that blogger. If that is the point where you know that you have made progress, then I think it will be hard for you to stay put and keep learning. Japanese is alot harder than spanish…gl with your study :)
“I hear that eating fish is good for your brain… Wait, NOOO! hax, don’t get any closer!”
Ahh, well that would explain :D
Thought you were a super human for a second :PHow can you learn 100 kanji a day??? 0.0 I limit mine to 5 or I can’t remember them xD
Since of what you are saying with anki, then I think you should set it up in memrise. Memrise does not have option for weather things are hard or not, but will reward depending on how close you are to the right answer.
Then it will make your “seeds”(words) ready to harvest. If you manage to harvest the words, then they are adopted to your garden which is your vocab. Your garden then needs watering everyone once in a while, how often is determinded on streaks and on % of times corret.
Very cool website :)
Well here goes with Rikaichan then :P
1. at this moment
2. New leather shoes get wet
3. worry4. all though/even though
5. indicates a possesive word6.
At the moment Dad is worried about his new leather shoes getting wet (even though / although – something).-
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by
And I still can’t understand one single word of this sentence xD
My summer vacation just finished so I am back to school :/ it is pretty damn hard to find any time to study Japanese along with all the other things I have to read. For the moment My goal is to finish S1 before the end of this month(1/3 of s1 remaining – I can do it!). For some reason my motivation is completly gone, and I havn’t been studying anything other than my anki/memrise :(
Even though I havn’t been studying Japanese, then I have watched a few documentaries about Japanese, and learned some more about Japanese culture :)
Keep up the good work everyone! :D
just keep clicking through the releated videos :)@ Arashi So do I :P When learning hiragana I hated to keep having to look in the PDF, so I just switched to this background :)
I should switch background, as I learned all hiragana ages ago ;)-
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by
The Clannad OP – don’t why I like it so much :) live this atm found a screenshot of my old desktop :) kanji would have to be 小
favorite kana: シI still think that is a nice way to actually get a confirmation of your skill.
I know N4 & N5 almost mean nothing, but some day in a long time I should be able too pass N2 – which is the one who gives you access to a whole lot :) -
This reply was modified 13 years, 6 months ago by