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Okay time for some answers. These are the answers I would consider correct but it doesn’t necessarily mean other answers are wrong :)
①tsetycoon13 is on to the right thing here and I would agree with his answer for the most part.
She has a bland personality(no individuality). 今はまだ真っ白 emphasizes the point from before. Her personality is blank (indicates it can be changed) which as said in the next sentence, she wants to change. これから色を付けていきたいです②Joel and tsetycoon13 are right here, it is an adverb not an adjective. This was indeed intended a trick question :)
③Next time I do one of these I will not include any translations since it is a waste of time to find a translation that is good. Anyway this is what sounded right to me, though I don’t know how natural it is.
exude a conspicuous presence④Again tsetycoon13 is on to the right thing. This of course is 関西弁! While you may say it is an advanced topic, I think at the very least basic 関西弁 (which this is) is something that everyone should learn. ~ひん、~へん、さかい、や、やで、あかん、あほ are definitely worth learning. There is a nice list here for anyone interested in learning
This means that there isn’t anything she is particularly good at.
~へん = ない so 特に何もできない
⑤Her はかなさ
I think dainty would be a good translation for this ^^⑥See jkl’s answer he found exactly the same page as I did when looking it up. It is a げ adjective taken from 儚い. Don’t ask me about げ adjvectives I know just as much as most of you, and I won’t bother learning about it any time soon :P
Thanks for the feedback, thanks for the answers!
To answer your question tsetycoon13, yes this is a rather standard passage, and is what you can expect used by natives. Around 16k vocab will only give 98% coverage so better start digging those words!Yeah I know they like to do that, but it sounded pretty natural to me so I thought it would be correct English :P
Don’t worry I did see your answer. I will wait giving you an answer until I give possible answers to the rest of the questions though ^^
Regarding the skill level
I know the skill level for this lesson might be a bit too high, and that is also what Me and Missing agreed on yesterday. I didn’t have much time to find another text at that time and just wanted to do the lesson so I went with it anyway. There of course are easier texts out there, but it is really hard to find very easy material that is also native material. Since the whole objective of these mini lessons is to present natural Japanese and let people learn from it this of course means that beginners can’t join in. That said I think we have enough people here who are at a pretty decent level of Japanese, for example jkl and Tsetycoon13 who decided to answer on this. If I see something easier I will try to make a mini lesson from it to let more people have a chance.
Regarding the choice of subject
I will only do these based on things I read anyway, sorry :/
Charm points
Sorry I am not a native English speaker and assumed チャームポイント was something that originated from English.
Answers will be coming up at some point tomorrow.
To give you a short answer, yes です and でした is more polite than だ and だった.
At your current level it is safe to say that.
That’s not entirely true though, but understanding the difference would be a waste of your time at your current level.
This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by
I can’t seem to get further up than 60th -_- I should read more!
Do you also add other things? there’s something called sentences but I really have no clue how many sentences I read on like 2ch akbmatome lol
Also, most variety shows are subbed to such an extent that they could count as subs right?June 1, 2013 at 3:33 pm in reply to: Train your listening ears. All the Japanese radio stations you could want. #40429Yes I have, I am writing from beyond the realm of the living.
It is hard to say, I haven’t really gotten very far but this far it is great. I can understand almost all of it and there aren’t too many new words. If I add them to anki as I go along there should start to be fewer and fewer as I read more.
Don’t worry Missing I am already ahead of you.
I haven’t participated before, but I will try it out this time around. I will be reading 非選抜アイドル.
June 1, 2013 at 4:49 am in reply to: Train your listening ears. All the Japanese radio stations you could want. #40416I would die if I had to listen to Miorin for more than 10 minutes. ..
May 31, 2013 at 11:09 am in reply to: Train your listening ears. All the Japanese radio stations you could want. #40383Once you up your listening comprehension you will start to hate to listen to most of these since they are just boring as hell. Most shows that are worth listening to are recorded on youtube etc and are easy to come by.
I listen to NMBのTEPPENラジオ which is aired 4 times a weeks with 15-25min long episodes. I don’t listen to it in order to get better at Japanese, I listen to it because it is hilarious.
Not if it’s those two
wtf kind of profile picture is that Missing? xD
I guess it is about time to switch mine as well…
This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by