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I hope you aren’t teaching English.
Currently it isn’t part of the JLPT but the test commision is considering implementing it.
There isn’t really anything which can make a tablet superior to other tablets when it comes to anki. All it requires is a touch screen and enough battery time to do review and speakers of decent quality.
That said, I would recommend something small so you can take it with you and do reviews everywhere you are.March 15, 2013 at 1:32 pm in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #39096As expected lol. I wrote the post while I was reading so it ended up being pretty messy :/
I am sure you will understand it if you go read at the link I provided ^^March 15, 2013 at 6:16 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #39086And 言わんばかり means as if to say. ばかり has many uses ^^ I would love to say there was a specific reason to chose that verb, but it was just whatever generic verb I could come up with. According to what I been able to find your explanation doesn’t seem to be correct.
I found a great explanation of the uses of ばかり also explaining other things I wasn’t aware of when it comes to usage. According to the explanation the use of verb dic form. + ばかり is more natural than for example ~てるばかり & ~てばかり for negative change。
Also worth noting
> 「~ているばかり」は「~しているだけ」という意味ですが
> 「~てばかりいる」は「いつも~している」ということで
> 両者は違うと思うのですが、うまく説明ができません。”
On they have a definition of verb. dic. form+ばかり
“Shows a continual/continuing negative change”
This confirms what I explained previously.
るばかり → negative change
てばかり → something you do nothing but (as in so much that you do nothing but)
てるばかり → something you do so much that it is the only thing you do.
(the difference between てばかり and てるばかり is exactly the same as you find with ~ていない & ~てはいない just like explained in Japanese above)
> ○彼はいつも食べているばかりだ。
> ○彼はいつも食べてばかりいる。
> ×彼らはケンカをしているばかりだ。
> ○彼らはケンカをしてばかりいる。
> ×毎日、雨が降っているばかりだ。
> ○毎日、雨が降ってばかりいる。”
I suck at explaining grammar, but it makes sense to me now ^^; If you want to read more you can go here:
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by
March 15, 2013 at 4:50 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #39084What is the exact difference between 鳴くばかりだ & 鳴いてばかりだ
From what I can find on the internet and in my books they mean exact the same, but that is almost never the case in Japanese. And yes I know the て-form version can be used to say for example 鳴いてばかりいた. But both can be used as described in the first line, and it is difference between those expression I am interest in knowing.
“pronunciation on anki”
This can be anything from a home made deck, to a deck some Japanese person made the voices for. Just saying it is from anki doesn’t tell much.
While I have seen this use occasionally I never looked it up in the grammar dictionary. Now I actually somewhat understand the uses of this, thanks for asking the question :P
I tried to look up what Tae Kim said about it as well, and it indeed also states that potential only uses が.
わたくし is often used in formal speech Joel. You will mostly find it used in speeches by company presidents, confessions, announcements etc..
I have also heard it used by hosts and guests in TV-shows, so I would argue that it is pretty common.
March 12, 2013 at 9:13 am in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #39025In this context it simply means “and”.
Most of the time the order of words in a sentence doesn’t matter as long as the sentence ends with an implied state of being(だ、です、でございますなど) or a verb. Sentence order isn’t as important as in English ^^.
Therefor the sentence you made essentially mean the same, and are both grammatically correct. That said, 時々ワインを少し飲みます。 sounds better to me.
It is probably beyond your current level, but you can read more on it here
In the future, please refer to this thread when asking these kind of questions.
Sentence ending particle which adds an explanatory tone to your sentence
can also be shortened ん
It seems like it is mostly for advertising purposes, but you can try to google it yourself ^^
Internet slang comes in a wide variety of forms, including emoticons, kanji, roman alphabet etc.. Here are a few examples
キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━!!!!If you want to see internet slang just go to 2ch :P
This reply was modified 11 years, 11 months ago by