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  • in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #47475


    So I just got this comment on my Lang-8 profile: “他の方の添削で十分です。”

    「添削」means “correction” and its reading it 「てんさく」.
    「十分」means “sufficient” (etc.) and its reading is 「じゅうぶん」.
    「他の方」means “a different way/method” (etc.) and its reading is 「ほかのほう」.

    Puttung it all together, the particle 「で」in this case indicates something being dependent on another factor. An example sentence of this usage could be something like, 「この食べ物でまだ生きらる。」 ”From this food I can still survive.”

    Hence,「他の方の添削で十分です。」should means something like “You should be fine (sufficient) from other corrections.”

    Then again, 「方」can as be read as 「かた」by itself referring to a person in a polite manner. So it depends on context, but the meanings are similar.
    If in this case the one who wrote that Japanese is referring to another person, it would simply be, 「You’ll be fine (sufficient) from another person’s corrections.」

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Yamada. Reason: Wrong explanation kf
    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by  Yamada. Reason: Wrong explanation of the particle で in this case
    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #46509


    Chat with Japanese friend

    I just checked with my Japanese friend and the title is synonymous with 僕は彼女と付き合えた。
    This means it should be “I was able to get a girlfriend” or “I was able to go out with a girl.”

    As for に, it was used with the subject, 僕, which is used in places denoting continuation. Like in 僕は銀行に務める、I am employed at the bank vs. 僕は銀行で働く、I work at the bank. The latter “work at” denotes a temporary action. Maybe they worked at the bank for the day but are not working there long term.

    For the title, 僕に彼女ができたんだ, I would assume that に carries a similar feeling, but, in my dictionary, its defined as “indicates such things as location of person or thing, location of short-term action, etc.”
    So 僕 is the location. Getting pretty close, lol.
    Its reminds me of the 僕はあなたにプレセントをあげる。or あなたにプレセントをもらう。

    Its a weird sentence, but it reminds me of the giving and recieving verb uses.

    Hopefully this helps. :D

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Yamada.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: "get a girlfriend" not "make a girlfriend", lol
    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #46503



    It’s the name of a song.

    I know each of the words but it’s the particles and how it all fits together that get me, as usual.


    Thank you please.

    Did you want help translating the whole song or just the title? I would guess that the title means “I was able to get a girlfriend.”

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: spelling issues on mobile
    in reply to: Birthday Celebration! #46366


    No problem. \(^o^)/
    My first studies of Japanese started with Textfugu. It built my foundation and now I’ve been studying for around 2 years.
    I now use of variety of resources, but everything for me started here. : D

    If you have any questions feel free to ask.

    in reply to: Hello from Brooklyn! #46296


    No problem! :D

    And do you know, does the 3DS have a region lock on it, or are some games region free?

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #46281



    in reply to: Hello from The Netherlands #46280



    Welcome and good luck with your studies!

    Are you planning on visiting or living in Japan in the future?

    in reply to: Hello from Brooklyn! #46279


    Yays! ようこそ!
    Welcome to your journey and to textfugu!

    What kind of Japanese video games would you like to play?
    Its cool you’ve starting with games with furigana. The truth is, lol, that while playing 真・女神転生 [しん めがみ てん せい] – an older Famicon game never released outside of Japan (although there is an English patch online for it) – I’ve had to look up a lot of words. But to be honest I have learned a lot of grammar and words surprising me a little. 
    Do you have an iPod or iPad or something similar (android)? If you do, you should see if you can get the app “imi wa?”. It is what I use a lot of time looking up new words. Also, on an Apple device you can add a Chinese keyboard which will let you draw out Kanji (this usually use if I can’t identify any radicals on the jisho ‘find kanji by radicals’ page).
    You probably already know, but is an amazing online dictionary. If you see a 熟語(じゅくご), that is, a word compound which has two or more kanji, if you know one of the kanji in it you can use it to find that word which uses the kanji you do not know.

    When are you going to Japan and for how long?
    I got back from a foreign exchange trip this June and it was amazing!
    Definitely something to keep you motivated to study for! :D

    Good luck with your studies! 頑張ってね!

    in reply to: Birthday Celebration! #46277



    Happy late birthday and good luck to your Japanese studies! :D
    Are you currently in season 1?

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #46276


    Can’t quite make out the first kanji in that word, but the second is 要.

    Edit: Bah, ninja-posted. =P The verb you can’t quite make out is ご覧 (ごらん).

    I am ninja. :D

    I thought the word with the second kanji being 要 was 概要 (がいよう) and it would make sense with the sentence but maybe its wrong?

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #46272


    So i just bought this album from a band called Hitorie, and this was inside the booklet.
    It looks like a code to get access to exclusive content maybe. I don’t need a full translation, but if someone can just tell me quickly what it is, that’d be great. Thanks.

    Slightly large image.

    I’m pretty sure the text above the code is saying that this is a very important code for application to the campaign (whatever that is, I do not know – maybe premium content, more on this later). It is too blurry for me to try to read or write the final verb (「ご_?_ください」, as well as the word before it but I think its 概要 (がい よう – outline)) but I think it says for an outline of the campaign to check the back. So to get more details we would need to see that as well.

    I think this is right but if someone wants to double check they could. I am curious as to the final verb, as I was thinking it probably means “check” or something given the context of the sentence but I can’t see it at all well enough to even attempt to write it out in my dictionary which could find it >_<

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 6 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: Weird "br" thingie got deleted
    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #40940


    Sorry for lateness, but thanks Joel :)

    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #40797


    Mostly this is about する verbs….
    I think I must’ve forgot what exactly kouchi said about them, but are they pertaining to group 1 or 2 or are they exceptions?
    I have a few する verbs which I have conjugated but want to know if I actually did it correctly ><
    Here are a few examples:
    [dictionary tense]—-[dictionary past]—[dictionary negative]—[dictionary past negative]

    ^~^ Thanks

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: that last へんじ was a spelling error
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 8 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: that last へんじ was a spelling error
    in reply to: (another)Passion list #40158


    Just make sure when you all your words, you make sure the ‘common words’ box is checked…. Other than that, any common word is fine to learn (you don’t always have to do this, but learning common words is a lot nicer… although I picked a few non common words because that was all there was to find what I had in mind)…. Personally, at this point in time, I have practically mastered my passion list so eventually you probably won’t worry about it as much…
    Just pick words of things you have interest in etc.
    An example of one would I did was 心理 — state of mind/mentality (related to psychology) because I have an interest in the mind and psychology.
    Another example, 哲学 — philosophy.
    Perhaps たたかい(戦い)– fight/battle would be a word which interests you? (rather common in ‘Attack on Titan’ ^^)
    Good luck! (Also, if you have not yet, get rikaikun or that other addon similar to it…. :D 理解君!)

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 9 months ago by  Yamada. Reason: hee hee hee
    in reply to: The "I found some Japanese I don't understand" thread. #40136


    Lang-8 post verification:
    “Mine: 東京に行ったらていねいですよね。
    His: 東京に行ったらていねいですよねでしょう。

    I think he was saying the 「ですよね」should not be used here but 「でしょう」should be used…. Is ですよね not valid at all?
    Also, would 礼儀正しい(れいぎただしい)be used by just replacing it with 「ていねい」or would I need to add 「人」after it (thus, the final result would be something like, 「東京に行ったら礼儀正しい人でしょう。」– something like, “If I go to Tokyo, I think I will be a polite person.”)
    [on a side note, I think I understood what he said but not all the pieces necessarily good.... like the last part (「は話しかける相手がいないと使わない。」) I think he was saying that 「ですよね」is improper etc. but I am not sure....]

    Sorry for the long post…. I just like doing these Lang-8 checks every once in a while to make sure I am o.k. with understanding…. ><

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