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  • in reply to: so i went back to iKnow… #29669


    Anki definitly has it’s place, and no one is knocking the efficiency it has as an SRS – however iKnow’s parent company is basically an SRS builder.. Cerego or something, it’s all a bit flash and showy offy about what they can acheive.. however, so far.. for vocab, iKnow is holding up better than Anki.. Kanji Anki still wins on.

    @Yggbert – What book are you reading? Sounds like it could be a laugh! ^_^

    in reply to: so i went back to iKnow… #29644


    So I’m reviving this thread..
    iKnow.. mint..

    Like proper mint. I struggled with the Vocab sheet’s and Anki for days and days and days.. Probably coming on weeks..
    A weekend with iKnow – 100 words down.. Boom.

    Will stick with it for now, however this is by far an easier path for vocab than I imagined it would be. 5,900 words to go.

    in reply to: TextFugu iOS App! #29643


    Wait what about Windows Pho………..


    in reply to: Where is everyone from? #29641


    The dull south coast of England, Brighton..
    Although, I’m from the north and lived in Guernsey for a good few years (Channel Islands) – Even more dull..


    Kentucky sounds interesting.. Kind of like Slough..

    • This reply was modified 12 years, 10 months ago by  isocracy.
    in reply to: The Study Thread #29392


    @kyle – iKnow is really useful.. not just for it’s appealing blue and orange colors ( – But that it provides you with sound for the word (plus you get a nice reading for the Kanji with that) – It also gives you 1/2 example sentences for each word.. I’ve been using it well over this weekend, combining it with Jisho and KanjiDamge (when I come across a Kanji, I just look it up, get a mnemonic and then end up remembering it – Much more fun and productive than RTK – At least it’s a more natural way to go through Kanji, as and when you come across them)

    I’ve always been a little dubious about RTK “Here’s 2000+ Kanji and some ways in which the author remembered them (over the process a couple of years, while living in Japan) – Here, take six months and study soley that” – Meh. – Gives me no feeling of context or how the Kanji is used.. I’d rather just learn it as and when I come across it. e.g. 時間 – Hadn’t come across either of these Kanji yet in either textfugu or RTK – However I now know that 時 means time and has a reading of じ - 間 – Means space(position)/time and has a reading of かん – I have about 100 radicals that I’ve got from textfugu in my head.. I don’t have that word in Anki.. and reviewed it about 3 times over the weekend.. It’s positively in my head thanks to iKnow..

    Meh, thats just how i’ve been working recently and it’s WAY more productive than RTK – then learn the readings – then learn the jukugo – then apply it all in one go..

    Fluidity and natural absorbtion is the way to go.. I love textfugu – but strugle with the Vocab – the core1000 on iKnow seems the be about the same as ultimatevocab decks – not loosing out either way.

    in reply to: so i went back to iKnow… #29330


    Meh subscription is pretty negligible when you look at the benefit of having such a streamlined resource..

    I used iKnow way back when I first started studying Hiragana.. It was.. so so for that.. Then I tried to get started on the core 1000.. but with no knowledge of grammar.. Fail.

    However, having a quick free session with my old account.. It’s now definitely worth it.
    Textfugu is brilliant.. however relying on Anki for my vocab is a pain.. iKnow does a really good job of this (a lot like rosetta stone – I find RS really good for vocab as it allows me to associate images and sounds with vocab rather than just abstract hiragana and Kanji I haven’t come across).

    I’m guessing Koichi used to work there.. Should really set up referral scheme for textfugu and use it for vocab.. Anki +for Kanji -for Vocab

    in reply to: Kanji Map – Sharing is Caring #29100


    Well thats what it was called when i pinched it from Whickipeedya – Lets just take map to be a pretentious alternative for poster.

    “That item on my wall over tonder is a Kanji Map”
    “This ‘ere is one o’dem Kanji Posters”

    See.. Much better!

    in reply to: Japanese Expressions for Morons – Anki Deck #29050


    Very helpful.. Victor is a top man, His Japanese for morons is actually pretty good.. I’m going to run through the entire series tomorrow then start on your Deck. Really kind of you mate, thank you!

    in reply to: Easter in Japan? #29047


    Can’t sway much goes on here either.. All I’ve done this bank-holiday is sit on my arse, play games, watch anime, study Japanese… Also eat noodles.. and i made a chocolate torte.. and cleaned the house.

    Thanks Jesus!

    in reply to: Listening Practice #29045


    @kanjiman – Best sushi in town is moshimoshi, however e-kagen do fantastic bowls of yasai-udon Nom. Although sushi just seems like an expensive way to eat rice when your a vegetarian – Give me noodles and miso any day! – But seriously e-mail me man:

    @Gigatron Over the last couple of days i’ve started tuning into J-talkradio, however most of the stations are offline coming up into the evening (fuck you time zones!) I actually quite enjoy picking up on random words ‘Oh yeh, I totally understand かっこいい! このおいしい猫..’ Seriously, sometimes I wonder what I’m getting myself in for with Japanese when I understand Cool, this tasty cat (was)… ERMMMMMM.
    Also this: – Which is a bit lame, but it has a hot girl as the protagonist.. Meh.

    in reply to: Making the best use of JapanesePod101 #28916


    I wouldn’t bother with pod101 – i was signed up for a while and it’s all pretty crap. They’ve stopped updating lessons (not a big deal as there are thousands) however it seems like they just tend to throw things in that arn’t really that correct.. Like just using words and twisting sentences that wouldn’t naturally be there.

    I would reccomend Rosetta Stone for vocab over pod101 anyday.. at least you get pictures! ha

    in reply to: Listening Practice #28893


    @kyle Thats look’s like a decent investment. As it has a full transcript it would be good to see how people differ their pronunciations of certain words. Then again for now: + Japanese Radio are probably more in my skill scope until finishing Textfugu

    @Kanjiman Lived here for a couple of years.. I’m right in the center so it’s a little distracting.. expensive as hell, but really pleasant and full of nice hippies and shit.
    Erm.. Start a thread when you next come over, would be good to discuss Japanese learning with someone.

    @Yggbert 助平じゃない!I’m only looking for Japanese people to converse with, gender doesn’t really bother me. I’d prefer men as then I can actually learn to talk like a guy.. I don’t quite understand when people learn a language specifically to hit on their native women.. Attraction usually comes from a lack of verbal communication in my experience (like ‘em deaf and mute)…..

    AKB48.. Really? Can someone explain Idols to me.. This is one aspect of culture I struggle to wrap my head round.. But then, I don’t quite understand Royalist’s here in England either.

    @Mister I can’t say i’ve ever watched it either. The long serials kind of put me off.. After forcing my way through DBZ and Gundam Wing as a kid.. I’m done with 200000000 episode stories. Give me 25 episodes and then kill everyone off…… boom….

    in reply to: Listening Practice #28857


    huh.. Tunein.. Sweet, never even heard of it! Kewl.. Just gonna leave that on for the next hour or so then..
    See.. Japanese girlfriend would be all good.. you’d think with all the language school’s here in brighton it wouldn’t be that hard to find natives.. but.. it’s effort.. So much so I’ve actually managed to find a Japanese Teacher (a native) which I’m going to have to pay to converse with.. meh, at least it’s something ha!

    in reply to: Deleting anki decks #28836


    meh, do it then.. If it’s only for nostalgia then boom gone, move forward. Have useful is your core2k so far? I presume you’ve maxed out RTK – how are you getting on with readings from RTK?

    in reply to: Deleting anki decks #28834


    Could just go through and change the Hiragana to the appropriate Kanji – At least then you give yourself a true challenge when the card comes up next (or remember it even better). Pain in the arse to do, but will most likely be of benefit instead of just deleting all that data (and needing it again when you want to keep reviewing vocab)

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