Forum Replies Created
> 見殺し
I just saw that word in ラプンシェル. Children’s stories are bizarre sometimes.
Milestone: 2006 sentences under active review, covering 600 kanji.
I also just finished my second children’s book, 鬼の毛三本. This one is written using some kanji, but it has furigana. There is lots of repetition in the story, so it is easy to understand.
Next up is ラプンシェル.
Here are some hints.
3. この しょるい を かきなおして ください
4. まえうり けん は まどぐちで はんばい しています
7. にっぽん では おおみそか に そば を たべます
8. すうひゃく にん の ぐんしゅう が あつまって いる の
I hope you find what you are looking for. Good luck.
I hope you find something that suits you better. Good luck.
Who or what is “ken?”
[2011/09/19 23:13:14] missingno15: いやでも、フェイント とか かどうか
[2011/09/19 23:13:27] missingno15: 分からなかったからEven so, it wasn’t clear whether you were faking.
[2011/09/19 23:13:44] 名無しさん: AKBのゲーム買う前に彼女できちゃったから、ゲーム買うのやめようかなと思ってるんだよ。
[2011/09/19 23:13:56] 名無しさん: フェイントじゃねーよ!笑I got a girlfriend before buying the AKB48 game, and I think I’ll quit buying games.
Real talk!….
That’s the best I could do with these lines. What was the thing on Facebook that was referenced a few lines earlier?
So there is some kind of game or movie where it’s like you are hanging out with the members of this singing group. Missing just got it, but I guess he had talked about it with Anonymous previously, because Anonymous says there is no point in him sending it.
Then there is this:
M: さて、次は誰かな・・・
So, next is someone…
Does this refer to the game/movie, like a new part is starting that features someone else?
A: にゃんは俺のものだからダメ~♥笑
Because Nyan is mine, it is useless.
I assume the ~♥笑 is just some kind of emoticon text. Am I on the right track so far?
I have trouble working on the later parts if I don’t understand the beginning, because without context I can’t figure out what is going on.
> じゃあ俺が送んなくていいって事だね
What is 送んなくて?
Today I finished my first Japanese book. It is a 31-page children’s book called やさしい おおかみ, and it is written entirely in hiragana. I first tried reading it way back in December of last year, when I was having trouble even reading the kana properly. I had to set it aside, and I just picked it up again recently. This time around things went a lot better.
Thanks go out to Sheepy, Bbvoncrumb and Elenkis for help with a few parts I had trouble reading. Overall I think my favorite sentence was:
「いいたければ、いわしておけば いいさ」 おおかみは もう きにしませんでした。
I built a sentence deck from the Core 6000 example sentences, which include professionally-recorded audio. The collection contains some exact and near duplicate sentences, it over-uses personal pronouns, and it only covers around 1600 kanji. But I’m not aware of any better collection of comparable size, let alone one that has audio.
I haven’t been on since it converted to, so I don’t know if you can still get them. But if you look around, you may find copies elsewhere. I have no way of knowing if these copies are legitimate, so you are on your own as far as that goes.
> 推してるメンバー in this context would be ‘member that you support’
Interesting. Could it mean “member who supports” in some other context, maybe if you were talking about which member supported a certain proposition or candidate?
> 推し
At 0:49 the video says 推してるメンバー, which I assume is a contraction of 推しているメンバー, which means the verb is 推す.
> 誰推しですか?
Who is the member who nominates [other members]?
> なんかMDです
It the one who is sort of popular.
I had a lot of trouble this time.
> おぉー
> んーとね
> まぁ それもそれでいいですねぇI can’t figure out from context what these mean.
> 誰推しですか?
Is that だれ? What is 推し?
> なんかMDです
I know that MD is explained later, but I don’t get what this sentence is talking about.
> 見たいな感じかな
What is this?
> 僕は善一筋に生きていこうと誓うよ。
And this?