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  • in reply to: Confusing Ultimate Lists #24055

    Moni Oni

    For me it seems, that the kanju decks from 5-stroke-kanji section include all kanji from all the other sections before. or am i wrong? its very confusing for me too.

    in reply to: Hello from Australia! #23682

    Moni Oni


    about the heisig books: i recomend them if you have just begun to learn the kanji. he uses that kind of system like koichi does on textfugu.


    if you already have learnd a lot of kanji from textfugu, it can be kind of tricky to use heisig too. it than can happen like: the kanji for “white” looks like a shell for koichi or like a ricecorn for heisig. and and after some hundreds of those kanji you can get some problems becoause it can be confusing.

    my english is bad, i hope you still understod what i meant ^^

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