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@ Kyle
Welcome back. How you finding life back in the States?
I’m finally able to study again after almost a month of stopping. A couple of weeks ago I thought I would have free time again but something cropped up and I had to postpone again until a few days ago. I’ve been taking it slow with my Anki reviews. Not doing too much at once and spreading it out. My next task is to get back to the lessons here on TF. I stopped at Season 5 so that’s where I’ll resume.
I had a little look around but couldn’t find the link either. However, the file is still on the TextFugu server so I’m guessing Koichi forgot to put it up when switching things around. Click on the following link it should start downloading it:
I believe these extra set of katakana symbols are still quite new in terms of how long they’ve been around. Hence why some resources don’t list them.
When typing them out, they should automatically be done for you. For example to type シェ you just type “she” and press F7 to switch it to katakana. There are hiragana variations of these new katakana symbols but I haven’t seen them in use. If you just want to type a small hiragana or katakana vowel on it’s own it’s just press x + the vowel. eg. x+a/i/u/e/o = ぁぃぅぇぉ/ァィゥェォ. If you want to type a character out like チィ, typing “ti” will bring up チ. You have to press ti + x + i.
In the TF lesson here read the section “Weird New Sounds”.
RealKana also has the option to practice them
I wouldn’t fret too much about learning them. Don’t spend too much time on them but don’t avoid it altogether. The amount of times you’ll see them in use won’t be as much as native Japanese words. Your time is much better spent learning kanji, vocab and grammar. Go through each symbol once every few days or so just so you don’t forget them.
Aside from RTK, there’s:
@ Michael
Switch to HTML mode and type in [ youtube ] [ /youtube ]
Delete the spaces between the brackets and youtube and /youtube. Between the inner ] [ brackets you need to put in the numbers/letters combo after the v= part of the youtube url. So for the video I posted above, the url is You just need the HeytH_GN08o&list=UU5elZt69ka5BM1r-XFeENbQ part in between the brackets. Don't type the full url. Also, ignore any words that come after the code bit like "feature" or "index".
So the end result should look like this [ youtube ]youtube video code[ /youtube ]
and remember without the spaces.
GIFs work the same way too. The above one was posted by Bbvoncrumb on another thread.
@ Michael
Switch to HTML mode, type [ img ]insert url of image here[ /img ]
Delete the spaces between the brackets and the img and /img.
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by
Definitely better to just straight up learn the vocab. >_<
Yeah, the readings can throw a surprise when you least expect it. Much better to just learn the vocab than second guessing all the time.
While I do miss the days where Arsenal were winning trophies, that isn’t my only grievance. My biggest problem with European football is the amount of money and the attitude of the players. Andrew brings up a good point. The Bundesliga is sensibly run and has far less problems than the Prem, La Liga and Serie A does. Even the French league is interesting with all the up and coming talent, but now that PSG have become the Man City of France, I’m hoping they don’t dominate and make it boring. No one can deny that most of the players now a days are only in it for the money, and won’t hesitate to jump ship when they’re offered more $$$. This is why my interest in European football has gone down and the Asian leagues are far more entertaining.
On another note, It was nice seeing Man Utd lose to Everton yesterday. Even sweeter was seeing Van Persie sit on the bench when the first choice partnership is supposed to be him and Rooney. Can’t see him having a repeat of last season.
“Football is over”
It’s still worth watching in other countries but in Europe, it’s been dying a slow death for a while in my opinion. Obscene wages plus too much player power has made it unenjoyable and the passion has gone. Players are getting more and more greedy and lack respect and loyalty. Apparently, Arsenal’s contract offer to RVP of £130,000 a week is completely unacceptable and a disgrace. Despite last year he only wanted to win trophies with Arsenal, he jump ships to one of their fiercest rivals without any hesitation.
Fulham’s Clint Dempsey has gone on strike demanding a move away from the club. Seriously, why do clubs even bother with contracts? They mean nothing anymore and are just a piece of paper.
Koichi really needs to state that example is a counter as it’s confused so many people.
Koichi hasn’t done that with the PDFs yet. What you could do is make a dropbox account, download it to both your netbook and desktop pc, create a folder for the TextFugu PDFs and add each PDF you download to that folder. Then, every time you put a new PDF in the folder, sync it on the netbook and the desktop so when you want to print them, you can do so on the desktop.
This topic has been discussed before. It’s worth checking out these two threads:
Not much more I can add, but just know working in Japan isn’t the same as working in the US. You won’t have as much freedom as you would in America. Teaching English and IT are the most popular jobs for foreigners. Working in other areas isn’t impossible but as others have said, why would they hire a foreigner to do the job when they can hire a native Japanese person. If you want to work there without a degree I think your only hope is many years of work experience in a particular field or you get transferred by an American company to their Japanese branch.
Easiest thing to do is get a degree and start off doing something entry level like teaching English. Then see what options are available to you after a few years. Taking the JLPT N1 or N2 will help your chances too.
The Olympics is what sport should be about. I think most of the athletes if not all of them showed excellent sportsmanship. There were a few incidents of some athletes not trying their best and attempting to manipulate the draw in their respective sports, but really, I don’t think it’s exactly cheating. Sure, if your paying money to see them play you want to see a good performance but if they can use it to their advantage and avoid a harder team in the next round and potentially win, then I don’t see a problem with it. It’s happened countless times in football (soccer) in knock out competitions and no team has been disqualified.
Aside from that issue, the tournament was enjoyable to watch, even on TV. I would of watched most of the events every day but alas, there just wasn’t enough time to do so. Fortunately, I watched the ones I wanted to see the most.
The most satisfying thing in my opinion, was seeing everybody from around the world mix together and being able to sit in the arenas and stadiums and cheer and clap for all the athletes that took part. I didn’t read about any crowd trouble or hostile atmospheres. There were arrests but they were mainly ticket touts.
Compare that to football (soccer) and it puts it to shame. I’m still a fan of football but the European leagues are getting stale. Yes, I am sort of annoyed that the Van Persie saga is finally over and he’s joined Man Utd. It’s ruined his chance of being an Arsenal legend. The fans loved him. I understand his reasons for leaving and wanting to win trophies but going to another rival in the same league is a slap in the face. If he went to a club abroad, I wouldn’t of been as bothered. The way he’s handled the situation proves most footballers don’t have an ounce of loyalty in them. Arsenal stuck with him all those times he got injured and missed big chunks of a season. Granted, If he was only in it for the money he could have gone to Man City or PSG but he’s showed a lack of respect to Arsenal and the fans for choosing Man Utd.
In retrospect, the only bright side is Arsenal are getting £24 million for a 29 year old who’s injury prone and with only one successful injury free season behind them. The club will no doubt move on and attempt to challenge for silverware this season. Although, I do still have my doubts.
So, the Olympics is over for another 4 years :(
This is the first time I’ve bothered to watch other events apart from Athletics. I have to say, I’ve been missing out. Had I known that when the tickets went on sale last year, I would of tried to get some. I really enjoyed Badminton, Volleyball, Swimming, and Diving to name a few.
The USA were runaway leaders with 104 medals (46 golds). China came in second with 87 medals (38 golds). Britain were third with 65 medals (29 golds). South Korea finished fifth with 28 medals (13 golds) and Japan finished eleventh with 38 medals (7 golds).
One intriguing final was the Bronze medal match for Football (Soccer) between Japan and South Korea. South Korea won 2-0 but the match was quite a battle with the Koreans deploying aggressive tactics against the Japanese. The two countries have a fierce rivalry when it comes to football. South Korea will see this as the perfect revenge for losing the Asian Cup final last year to the Blue Samurai. I read in an article the Koreans may get pardoned from mandatory military service due to their triumph.
Depending on what’s going on in my life, I might try and go to Rio in 2016. I’m hoping that Tokyo will win the bid for the 2020 Olympics. They face competition from Madrid and Istanbul. If Tokyo does win the bid at next years announcement, without a doubt, I will be there.
This reply was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by